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As the horse got a little nearer he wiped his face carefully, pushed his hat back on his head, and climbed over the fence, where he stood with elbows on the middle rail as the girl and boy and horse came to the end of the furrow. "Hot, ain't it?" he said as she looked up. "Jimminy Peters, it's awful!" puffed the boy.

Bet it scared next Sunday's sermon clean out o' his head!" Then Wee Andra's deep voice, "Jimminy! It was a better show than all the monkeys at the circus!" "Was he scared?" It was Donald Neil who dared to ask that question. "Looked mighty skittish for a minit, but I was weepin' that hard I couldn't see very good. Catchach swore like a trooper.

His eyes were ablaze with excitement, and between black beard and mustache his teeth showed in a grin mixed of scorn and amusement. Next I beard Will's voice: "Jimminy!" and Will sat up. Then Fred gave tongue: "That you, Kagig? Where's Monty? Where's Lord Montdidier?" Kagig strode into the room, set the lantern on the floor, struck the remnants of the food from off the little stool, and sat down.

That was, to bring the frightened man ashore. This "hermit" as they called him, was certainly very much afraid of the water. He splashed a good deal, and Tom had to speak sharply to keep him from getting a strangle-hold about his own neck. "Jimminy! but that was a mean trick," panted Tom, when he got ashore with the fisherman.

"Jimminy!" he remarked to himself, "they haven't lost much time. Fancy their beginning to quarrel already! I hope I'll never have to be anybody's lover." But this was no time to brood on the terrors of his own future. Eliza might at any time occur. She would not for a moment hesitate to go through that open door, and push herself into the very secret sacred heart of Mademoiselle's grief.

"Jimminy crickets, we niver can do that!" he yelled. "It's a glare of ice and roundin'. Let's crawl through it! The rist of you can get through if I can. We'd better take off our overcoats, to make us smaller. We can roll thim into a bundle, and the last man can pull it through behind him." Jimmy threw off his coat and entered the wrecked oil engine.

And when you see me coming with them remember they re as harmless as serpents I mean doves. Talk to them just like you would to anyone else. See?" He turned to leave her, but stopped at her natural question: "What hotel did you say you were going to take them to?" "Oh, Jimminy!" the harassed Gerald caught at his hair with both hands.

"Oh, we're going to get that lunch back," announced Bob Henderson confidently. "Look here!" He pointed to some footprints in a bit of muddy ground. "Cadet shoes!" cried Tommy Tucker. "Jimminy Crickets, I'll bet it's that Marshall Morgan and his crowd!" "But this is a girl's shoe," protested Betty, pointing to another print. "See the narrow toe?" "Ada Nansen or Ruth Royal!" guessed Bobby quickly.

"I did the other day, just for practice, so I'd know how to row when the time came to use this here punt if that's what you call it. Jimminy! I got tipped over into the creek, and a scolding besides when I went home! I'd be sorry to have her act like that." "A tub is a tub and a boat is a boat," said Jack, sententiously. "This one couldn't tip over if it tried. Don't you see it's most square?

"You'll soon see. Was the ghost barefooted?" "No, it wasn't. What of it?" "You wait I'll show you what. Did it have its boots on?" "Yes. I seen them plain." "Swear it?" "Yes, I swear it." "So do I. Now do you know what that means?" "No. What does it mean?" "Jimminy! What makes you think that?" "I don't only think it, I know it.