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Now many young husbands, and some young wives, are wholly ignorant of the existence of the hymen, and of the troubles it may cause at the second part of the sexual act, in a first meeting. This membrane is often quite tough and strong.

They are distinct from each other, and do not coalesce into a membrane; the surface beneath is not the uniform red shining surface on which the membrane in diphtheria has formed, but the separate tiny openings from which the white matter has exuded may be distinctly seen if the surface is wiped with a camel's-hair brush.

Hence appears the necessity for attention to ventilation, and especially to prevent the membrane of the nose from being habitually stimulated and debilitated by the effluvia generated in a close and hot kennel. M. Majendie instituted some curious experiments on the sense of smelling, and he was led to believe that it depended more on the fifth pair of nerves than on the olfactory nerve.

Its vibration is made possible by the presence of air on both sides, and this condition is supplied, on the inner side, by the middle ear. The Eustachian tube, by providing for an equality of pressure on the two sides of the membrane, also aids in this purpose.

The fully-formed body is a gelatinous ball, with its wall composed of thirty-two to sixty-four ciliated cells; it swims about freely in the sea. After reaching maturity the community is dissolved. Each cell then lives independently for some time, grows, and changes into a creeping amoeba. This afterwards contracts, and clothes itself with a structureless membrane.

As there is a great difference, in so far as the actual nature of the barrier is concerned, between a paper partition and a clay ceiling, let us begin by enquiring if the Mason-bee of the Walls knows how or rather is able to make her way through one of these partitions. The mandibles are pickaxes suitable for breaking through hard mortar: are they also scissors capable of cutting a thin membrane?

One of them, of the size of a small nutmeg, occupied the left ventricle; the other, which was still smaller, was found at the base of the right ventricle. The chest of one of them enclosed a small quantity of serosity; a similar fluid was between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane, and the same was the case in the larger ventricles of the encephalon.

Nature has given you nails, which men unpolitely call claws; they are admirably constructed, and well jointed in a membrane, which is extended or drawn up like the fingers of a glove; and at pleasure it becomes a terrific claw, or a paw of velvet. You understand the physical laws of good and evil. A cat who strangles another will not be more culpable than a man who kills his fellow men.

Before food is taken, the mucous membrane is pale and nearly dry, on account of the contracted state of the arteries. In many cases the glands that secrete the gastric juice are feeble; in others they seem cramped, and far from ready to act when food is presented.

The membranes are brown, nakedish; the tail is rather produced beyond the membrane at the tip; the feet are small, and quite free from the wings. Male. Female. The length of the body and head 1.10 1.10 The length of the fore-arm bone 1.11 1.10 The length of the shin-bone 8 8 The length of the ankle and foot 4 4