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The story, briefly told, is this: certain food materials that have been prepared to enter the blood, filter through the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal, and also the thin walls of minute blood-vessels and lymphatics, and are carried by these to larger vessels, and at last reach the heart, thence to be distributed to the tissues. Absorption from the Mouth and Stomach.

"Do you feel a slight palpitation of the membrane of the Colorado madura and is there a confused murmur in your brain like the sound of a hard working gas meter?" "You've got me sized good and plenty, Doc!" "Do you have insomnia, nightmare, loss of appetite, chills and fever and concealed respiration in the carolina perfecto?" "That's the idea, Doc."

They are inhaled to irritate and injure the lining membrane of the lungs. Trifling as it may seem to many, I never find that a young woman keeps a cologne bottle in her dressing room, or a smelling bottle about her or perfumes her clothes or is in the habit of eating, every now and then, a little coriander, or fennel, or cloves, or cinnamon without trembling for her safety.

A second time Mrs. Delville bent over the child. Mrs. Hauksbee, her face still hidden, sobbed and shivered. One of the ayahs staggered sleepily into the room, yawning: 'Doctor Sahib come. Mrs. Delville turned her head. 'You're only just in time, she said. 'It was chokin' her when I came, an' I've burnt it. 'There was no sign of the membrane getting to the air-passages after the last steaming.

This feat they are enabled to perform by means of a broad membrane that extends from the skin of their fore-legs to that of their thighs, and which, when stretched out, endows them with the properties of a parachute. Their bodies, too, have a flattened shape like the bats; and this also helps to sustain them in the air.

His head ached, his eyes were wet, his mucous membrane, he informed her, was in a most unsatisfactory condition. The only thing that made life worth living was the thought of Walter Savage Landor, from whose IMAGINARY CONVERSATIONS she had promised to read at frequent intervals during the day. It was rather difficult. Something must be done about Helen.

In this way the mucous membrane lining the womb has been studied both at the time of the periods and in the interval between them, and we have learned that it is constantly undergoing changes intended to facilitate the reception and the maintenance of an embryo.

Dan stooped to the tool-chest for a reserve supply when a strangling cough made him spring to his feet and hurriedly lift the blanket. The child was beating the air with tiny fists, fighting for breath. The mother stood rigid, arms out. "Turn her this way!" Dan shifted the struggling child, face out. "Now watch out for the " The strangling cough broke and a horrible something "It's the membrane!

The peculiar sound is heard in two different conditions the one in which a child having caught cold, instead of the air-tubes alone being affected, the windpipe, and especially its upper part, becomes congested, and the lining membrane swollen.

At times there is colic, with sickness and perhaps vomiting, and the bowels are alternately constipated or loose. The coat is harsh and staring, there usually is short, dry cough from reflex irritation of the bronchial mucous membrane, a bad-smelling breath and emaciation or at least considerable poverty of flesh. The disease is most common in puppies and in young dogs.