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I hate all the folks in this town about equally that is, all except the Howes," she concluded with significant emphasis. "Isn't there a nurse in the village?" "There's Melviny Grey." "Is she a nurse?" the girl inquired innocently. "Melviny ain't never been classified," retorted Ellen grimly. "She's neither fish, flesh nor fowl.

You can send Tony for her when he gets back, though how he'll find her I don't know. You might's well hunt for a needle in a haystack as to track down Melviny. She's liable to be most anywheres tendin' babies or trimmin' bunnits; an' Tony's such a numskull." "I guess we can locate her."

"Goin', comin', an' pickin' would take you the whole mornin', I reckon." "I'm afraid it would," agreed Lucy. "Could you spare me as long as that?" "Yes. I don't need nothin'; an' if I do, Melviny can get it. I'd rather have you go than not. If you could get me enough berries for a shortcake it would be worth it."

I'll call you when I need you. Let the other man sit in the kitchen 'til we want him." Whatever the mysterious business was, it took no great while, for before an hour had passed Melvina, waiting in the hall outside the chamber door, heard a shrill summons. "You can come in now, Melviny," Ellen said.

"But don't you think, Miss Webster, that in justice to Miss Grey, you should inform her " "No, I don't," snapped Ellen. "Melviny don't care nothin' about my affairs. I'll write my name. Then you can give her the pen an' let her sign. That's all she's got to do." Although Mr.

'Twill drive her well-nigh crazy to think of spendin' the money. But 'tain't right for you to try to do all there is to be done alone, an' you mustn't undertake it. Just go right ahead an' get somebody in, whether your aunt likes it or not. That's the way I'd do if it was Martin. Besides, 'tain't as if Melviny was different. She fits in anywhere. She warn't ever known not to.

Martin's awful upset 'bout your aunt bein' sick," announced Jane. "He must 'a' heard it in the village when he was there this mornin', for the minute he got back he sent me over to urge you to get somebody in. 'Course he wouldn't come himself. That would be too much to expect. But he actually said that if you decided to fetch Melviny he'd go and get her an' from him that means a heap.

"It will be like a storm dashing against granite cliffs," she thought whimsically. "Well, there is one merciful thing about it I shall not have to worry about Melviny gossiping or telling tales." In this assumption Lucy was quite right. Melvina Grey proved not only to be as dumb as an oyster but even more uncommunicative than that traditionally self-contained bivalve.

Heavens, Melviny, do get him out of here!" Tony was only too ready to retire. The ordeal had strained his patience and had left his brain feeling the stress of unaccustomed exercise. Therefore, allowing Melvina to drive him before her much as she would have driven a docile Jersey from a cabbage patch, he made his way downstairs, followed by the perspiring lawyer.

"Why, Melviny's one of the institutions of Sefton Falls. Nothin' goes on in the way of tribulation without Melviny bein' to it." "Oh, I see. She's a nurse." "No, you couldn't really call her that," replied Jane thoughtfully. "An' still I don't know but you might as well tag her that way as any. 'Twould be hard to tell just what Melviny is.