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I guess likely 'twas Cap'n Elkanah. He and Annabel were goin' to drive over to Denboro this afternoon. She had some trimmin' to buy. Takes more than fog to separate Annabel Daniels from dressmakin'. Well, there's a little more packin' to do; then I thought I'd go down to that parsonage and take a whack at the cobwebs. I never saw so many in my born days.

"So? And so soon? Talk about the telegraph spreadin' news! I'd back most any half dozen tongues in Bayport to spread more news, and add more trimmin' to it, in a day than the telegraph could do in a week. Especially if all the telegraph operators was like the one up at the depot. Well, Georgianna, when you goin' to leave?" "Leave? Leave where? What are you talkin' about?" "Leave here.

She had a husband and a daughter, but they did n't count not either of 'em. Nothin' counted but this little grave out here; and she came and spent hours over it, trimmin' it with flowers and talkin' to it." The Lady in Black raised her head suddenly and threw a quick glance into the other's face; but the gray-haired woman's eyes were turned away, and after a moment she went on speaking.

He married this girl that was trimmin' hats, an' she thought she was doin' a stroke to ketch such a bug, an' now she lives in that little place built bang on the road as you go into town.

"Eh, ye cratur!" he cried; and darting to the bed, he took Gibbie's face between his hands, and said, in a voice to which pity and sympathy gave a tone like his mother's, "Whaten a deevil was't 'at lickit ye like that? Eh! I wuss I had the trimmin' o' him!" Gibbie smiled. "Has the ill-guideship ta'en the tongue frae 'im, think ye?" asked the mother.

This done, Wade set to work with knife in hand. "I reckon a little trimmin' will improve the looks of this carcass," observed Wade. "Wade, we never had any one round except dad who could cut up a steer or elk," said Jack. "But you've got him beat." "I'm pretty handy at most things." "Handy!... I wish I could do just one thing as well as you. I can ride, but that's all.

Do you really, truly, mean to burn Bonny Angel's lovely white silk coat, an' her pretty dress all lace an' trimmin'? An' my blue frock why, I haven't wore it but two years, that an' the other one to home. It's as good as good, only lettin' out tucks now and then an' " "Huh! S'pose you, a little girl, know more about what's right than I do, a big growed up woman?

Found Suds there, and Suds was playing Black Jack with an ol gink. He was trimmin' him close. Get Suds going good and he could read 'em three down and bury 'em as fast as they came under the bottom card. Takes a hand to do that sort of work. And that's the sort of work Suds was doing for the old man. Pretty soon the game was over and the old man was busted.

It was something big to remember when you were only nineteen and had been soldiering three years, three years with a dogged army that refused to be beaten. That hat cord, the spurs on his boots, they were all he had brought home from warsave a tough body and a mind he hoped was as hard. "Mighty pretty hat trimmin’, that, suh," Hamilcar admired. "Mighty big man wore it once."

Always send for me when she's in a mess, or needs a bit of trimmin' and cleanin' up. The Head Gardener pushed past them with his odour of soil and burning leaves, his great sunburned face and his browned, stained hands.