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I have looked over this schedule of the goods and effects of Erminia Pauletti, daughter of the late noble yes, he is called the noble, or I read wrong, Giovanni Pauletti, of the Houee of Sansovino, in Genoa, and of the no less noble Lady Maud Olifaunt, of the House of Glenvarloch Well, I declare that I was pre-contracted in Spain to this noble lady, and there has passed betwixt us some certain proelibatio matrimonii; and now, what more does this grave assembly require of me?"

But there were many more which inflicted an eternity of suffering upon one of the pair." This quotation, it must be added, has nothing to do with what the Canonists, borrowing the technical term for a prisoner's shackles, suggestively termed the vinculum matrimonii; it was written many years ago concerning the galleys of the old French convict system.

Gratian, Causa, 30, Quaest. 5, c. 9 Friedberg, i, p. 1107. Gratian, Causa, 28, Quaest. i, c. 17 Friedberg, i, p. 1089: illorum vero coniugia, qui contemptis omnibus illis solempnitatibus solo affectu aliquam sibi in coniugem copulant, huiuscemodi coniugium non legitimum, sed ratum tantummodo esse creditur. Sessio xxiv, cap. i De Reformatione Matrimonii.

With regard to this matter it may be mentioned that, as a result of this ordinance, the Attorney-General was first introduced into those provinces in which the old Prussian common law prevailed as defensor matrimonii, and to prevent collusion between the parties.

If you were only free a vinculo matrimonii " Rosamund laughed again, and sat stroking her muff and smiling. "Curious, isn't it?" she said to Nina "the inborn antipathy of two agreeable human bipeds for one another. Similis simili gaudet as my learned friend will admit. But with us it's the old, old case of that eminent practitioner, the late Dr. Fell. Esto perpetua! Oh, well!

"Whereas, Elizabeth Rogers of Portsmouth, in the County of Rockingham, and State aforesaid, hath petitioned the General Assembly for said State, setting forth that she was married to the said Robert Rogers about seventeen years ago; for the greater part of which time he had absented himself from and totally neglected to support and maintain her and had, in the most flagrant manner, in a variety of ways, violated the marriage contract but especially by infidelity to her Bed; For which reasons praying that a divorce from said Rogers, a vinculo matrimonii, might be granted.

The truth is, there's something like the nodus matrimonii, or what they facetiously term the priest's gallows, dangling over my head, so that any little thrifle I may get must be kept together for that crisis, James, abouchal; so that must be my apology for not giving you more, joined to the naked fact, that I never was remarkable for a superfluity of cash under any circumstances.

'It is a catholic security, shouted the Bailie, 'to Rose Comyne Bradwardine, ALIAS Wauverley, in liferent, and the children of the said marriage in fee; and I made up a wee bit minute of an ante-nuptial contract, INTUITU MATRIMONII, so it cannot be subject to reduction hereafter, as a donation INTER VIRUM ET UXOREM.

It came to many out of Exomologesis, De esu carnium, Lingua, Institutio christiani matrimonii, Vidua christiana, Ecclesiastes. But, to far larger numbers, the message was contained in the Colloquies. The Colloquia gave rise to much more hatred and contest than the Moria, and not without reason, for in them Erasmus attacked persons.

But even this last hope is fast breaking down, by the great facility of obtaining a divorce a vinculo matrimonii a facility by which the laws of most of the States of the Union grant to lust the widest margin of license, and legalize concubinage and adultery. Now when the family goes, the nation goes too, or ceases to be worth preserving.