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The Marble Statue Venus he mistook For fair Erminia, and such things he spoke, Such unheard passionate things, as e'en wou'd move The marble Statue's self to fall in love; He'd kiss its Breast, and say she kind was grown, And never mind, alas, 'twas senseless Stone; He took its Hand, and to his Mouth had laid it, But that it came not, and its stay betray'd it; Then would he blush, and all asham'd become, His Head declining, for awhile be dumb: His Arms upon his Breast across would lay, Then sensibly and calmly walk away; And in his walk a thousand things he said, Which I forgot, yet something with me staid; He did consult the nature of the Crime, And still concluded that 'twas just in him; He run o'er all his life, and found no act That was ungenerous in him, but this fact, From which the Justice took off the Disgrace, And might even for an act of Virtue pass; He did consult his Glory and his Pride; And whilst he did so, laid his grief aside; Then was as calm as e'er he seem'd to be.

Farquhar, your escort would be enough for us, and the fact that Amy is your sister would give a sort of double security to your protection." "Oh, dear Miss Leare " began Amy. "Hermie, Amy Hermione, which is English and American for Tasso's Erminia. Do you like my name, Mr. Farquhar? We have strange names in America, English people are pleased to say.

Are sacred Vows of Marriage made your sport? Regard me well, Erminia, what am I? Er. Alcip. But why, Erminia, did you give it so? Er. T'obey a King and cruel Father too. A Friendship, Sir, I can on you bestow, But that will hardly into Passion grow; And 'twill an Act below your Virtue prove, To force a Heart you know can never love. Alcip.

'And, Captain Ruiz, I added, 'perhaps you do not mind telling a man who has always believed in the uprightness of your character what became of Dona Erminia on that night? "At this friendly question his aspect changed. He looked at me from under his eyebrows with the heavy, dull glance of a guasso of a peasant.

The love of Tancred, the tenderness of Erminia, the heroism of Rinaldo, are indelibly engraven in the recollection of every sensitive reader of Tasso; but no man ever saw such characters, or any thing resembling them, in real life. They are aërial beings, like Miranda in the "Tempest," or Rosalind in the forest; but they recall no traits of actual existence.

Erminia yet is hardly brought to yield; She wants but some encouragement from you, That may assist her weakness to subdue, And 'twas but faintly she deny'd to see you. Phi. However, I will venture, She can but chide, and that will soon be past: A Lover's Anger is not long to last. Am. Isillia I have won to give you entrance. Phi. Gal. But is Alcippus gone? Alcan. Madam, an hour since. Phi.

Prince, Aminta, Sister to Pisaro, in love with Alcander, Mrs. Wright. Olinda, Sister to Alcander, Maid of Honour to Mrs. Lee. the Princess, Isillia, Sister to Cleontius, Woman to Erminia, Mrs. Clough. Lysette, Woman to Aminta. Scene within the Court of FRANCE. SCENE I. The Palace. Enter King, Philander, Orgulius, Alcippus, Alcander, Pisaro, Cleontius, Falatius; and Officers. King.

Erminia used to beg for Maggie, until she herself put a stop to the practice; as she saw her mother yielded more frequently than was convenient, for the honor of having her daughter a visitor at Mr. Buxton's, about which she could talk to her few acquaintances who persevered in calling at the cottage. Then Erminia volunteered a visit of some days to Maggie, and Mrs.

I'll scarce allow thee that; Madam, I'll leave you to your Lover. Am. I hate thee but for saying so. Alcan. Quit him then. Am. Alcan. Fal. And I'll not be out-done in importunity. SCENE III. Galatea's Apartments. Enter Galatea and Erminia. Er. And 'tis an act below my Quality, Which, Madam, will not suffer me to fly. Gal.

I'm wounded, yet I will not leave him so; There may be Mischief in him, though unarm'd. SCENE VI. A Bed-chamber. Isil. Ah, Madam, Alcippus. Er. Alcippus, where? Isil. I left him in a quarrel with Alcander, And hear him coming up. Er. For Heaven's sake, Sir, submit to be conceal'd. Phi. Not for the world, Erminia, My Innocence shall be my guard and thine. Er. He comes; Philander, for my safety go.