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"You're a heroine, that's what you are, Frona," he began again, with exuberance. "And not only did you save the mail-man, but by the delay you wrought in the trial you saved me. If one more witness had gone on the stand that first day, I should have been duly hanged before Gow put in an appearance. Fine chap, Gow. Too bad he's going to die."

"How good time do you think Puffy Pete could make across-desert in case I should want it?" inquired the agent after a pause. The mail-man contemplated his "team," bubbling and panting a vaporous breath over the platform. "Pete ain't none too fond of sand," he confessed. "But if you want to git anywhere, him and me'll git you there. You know that, Ban."

He determined to spring that roll at a later date, and to present the doctor with a very thin, very choice gold watch out of State-room 27. Bill carried out this intention when he had sufficiently recovered to get about. Later, when his lungs had healed, Bill hired the mail-man to take him and his nurse to Nome.

At any rate, the girl arrived in Nome with nothing but praise for the mail-man. Pete Petersen, so she said, might have his faults, but he knew how to behave like a perfect gentleman.

Alexander Spencer today the mail-man brought it from the station saying they were coming on the five-thirty train tonight. So Matthew went to Bright River to meet him. Mrs. Spencer will drop him off there. Of course she goes on to White Sands station herself." Mrs.

It was arranged that the mail-man should start first and make the full day's run if possible, while we should "call it a day" at the half-way hut. So Bob and his Indians sallied forth while yet my boys were reading their lessons to me, and when they were done we hitched up and followed.

Yust vait. You don't know how purty is Ponatah. She " Petersen's listeners waited. They are waiting yet, for the mail-man never completed his admiring recital of the Indian girl's charms, owing to the fact that the genial Mr. Hyde without warning tapped his late friend's round head with the leather butt of the dog-whip.

"Why, Pop," said the superintendent, winking to the expressman, "this lump looks as though it contained gold." "Yes," put in the expressman, "that's how gold comes in a mine. I've often handled it. That's the stuff, sure." The fruit-selling boy and the mail-man grinned. Pop Thornberry opened wide his mouth and eyes and softly repeated the word: "Goal!" "I'd be careful of it," advised Mr.

"He wanted to know if I'd got a letter he'd writ me day before. And I tol' him I hadn't. Then he 'lowed he'd a-brought it to me himself if he'd knowed Bud was goin' to turn thief and hold up the mail-man. I hadn't heard nothin' 'bout it and nobody else had till he began to talk. I opened the door then and tol' him to walk out; that I wouldn't hear nobody speak that way 'bout Bud Tilden.

Half-way on that last day's mush we met the mail-man returning to the Koyukuk. So much had he been delayed that there was danger of a fine and all sorts of trouble, and the mail had been sent out to meet him at the noon cabin, together with a supply of grub for the return trip.