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He was arrested in his hasty passage by Cecilia Halkett. She handed him a telegraphic message: Rosamund requested him to stay two days in Bevisham. She said additionally: 'Perfectly well. Shall fear to see you returning yet. Have sent to Tourdestelle. All his friends. Ni espoir, ni crainte, mais point de deceptions. Lumiere. Ce sont les tenebres qui tuent.

In the spring of 1895 Paul's theatrograph or animatograph was completed, and in the following year he began his engagement at the Alhambra Theater, where the novelty was planned as a vaudeville show for a few days but stayed for many a year, since it proved at once an unprecedented success. The American field was conquered by the Lumière camera.

Je rève en te voyant Harmonic et lumière, O ma rivière, O ma belle rivière!" "Look!" said Müller. "Do you not see them yonder two women under the trees? By Jupiter! it's ma tante and la petite Marie!" Saying which, he flung himself upon his oars and began pulling vigorously towards the shore. La petite Marie broke off at the sound of our oars, and blushed a becoming rose-color.

They leave one cold despite their erotic vehemence; the abuse of the vocative is not persuasive, their raptures are largely rhetorical. This exaltation, this ecstasy, seen at its best in William Blake, is sexual ecstasy, but only when the mood is married to the mot lumière is there authentic conflagration.

At night the continuous ribbon of flame from these lamps, stretching in endless vista down the street, was a fascinatingly beautiful sight. Every French provincial who visited Paris was expected to admire the "cordon de lumiere de la Rue de Rivoli."

Other inventors, such as Paul in England and Lumiere in France, produced other types of projecting machines, which differed only in mechanical details. When the motion picture was taken up in earnest in the United States, the world stared in astonishment at the apparent recklessness of the early managers.

A. Guerout, in La Lumiere Electrique. Prof. G. Forbes gives the following description: The instrument which I call Breguet's telephone is founded upon the instrument which was described by Lipmann, called the capillary electrometer. The phenomenon may be shown in a variety of ways.

"Quel ravissement de la lune!" exclaimed a deep guttural voice at this juncture, and Louis Gigue came out from the dark embrasure of the Manor's oaken portal into the full splendour of the moonlight "Et la belle Mademoiselle Vancourt is ze adorable fantome of ze night! Et milord Roxmouth ze what-you-call? ze gnome! ze shadow of ze lumiere! Ha-ha!

The usual travelling Westerner prefers the shortest and most convenient route to Prague, namely, via Paris. You may get right through from London to Prague in thirty-six hours if you just skirt round Paris by the ceinture, but a right-minded wayfarer, who should never hurry, will not miss an opportunity of taking the tonic of a few days in the "Ville Lumière."

"Yes, above all in the plural, seeing that then it rhymes not with three letters, but with four; as orniere does with lumiere." "But give me ornieres and lumieres in the plural, my dear Pelisson," said La Fontaine, clapping his hand on the shoulder of his friend, whose insult he had quite forgotten, "and they will rhyme." "Hem!" coughed Pelisson.