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Tapple, who thankfully noting that she was writing another, took time to carefully read and spell over every word, and mastered it all without difficulty. Meanwhile Maryllia prepared her second message thus: "Louis GIGUE, "Je desire que Cicely passe l'ete avec moi et qu'elle arrive immediatement. Elle peut tres-bien continuer ses etudes ici. Vous pouvez suivre, cher maitre, a votre plaisir.

It would only be for a short time, of course and it seems hard, when I have only just come home, as it were, but there, never mind, Cicely! We'll treat it as a game of hare and hounds, and we'll baffle the hounds somehow!" Cicely gave a comic gesture of resignation to the inevitable. "Anyhow, if we want a man to help us," she said, "There's Gigue. Fortunately he's here now."

Maryllia wishes to speak to you." He turned a pale, composed face upon her. "Where?" "In the picture-gallery. She is alone there. She saw you cross the courtyard, and sent me after you. All the other people are in the drawing-room, waiting to hear me sing and I must run, for Gigue is there, and he is so impatient! Please, Mr.

Then I got into the Quartier Latin set with Gigue, who picked me up because he heard me singing in the street, and altogether my experiences of life haven't been toys and bonbons. I know I THINK 'old' and I'm sure I feel old!" "Not when you play or sing," suggested Maryllia. "No not then never then!

What does Gigue say of you now?" "Gigue is satisfied, I think. But I don't really know. He says I'm too precocious that my voice is a woman's before I'm a girl. It's abnormal and I'm abnormal too. I know I am, and I know it's horrid but I can't help it! Whers'a the piano?"

Ze literature n'existe pas pour ze squeak of ze pig! Ah, bah! L'art, c'est l'imagination l'ideal c'est le veritable Dieu en l'homme!" Longford gave vent to a snigger, which was his way of laughing. "God is an abstract illusion," he said "One does not introduce a non-available quantity in the summing up of facts!" "Ah! Vous ne croyez pas en Dieu?" And Gigue ruffled up his grey hair with one hand.

"Et maintenant," said Gigue, taking hold of Cicely's arm and drawing her close up to his knee "Comment chante le rossignol? Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do! Chantez!"

It would be easier to make out anything at all 'strange and uncommon' in pen and ink than in pencil-marks which had a trick of 'rubbing. Leaning lightly against the counter Maryllia wrote in a clear bold round hand: "Miss CICELY BOURNE, "Come to me at once. Shall want you all summer. Have wired Gigue. Start to-morrow. She pushed this over to Mrs.

Gigue is coming for a day or two and he will perhaps stay on a bit to give lessons to Cicely. But he's not a society man. Oh, dear no! Quite the contrary he's a perfect savage! and says the most awful things! Poor old Gigue!" She laughed again, and looked happier and brighter than she had done for days.

"The old French song exactly suits this old French instrument. I see it is an ancient thing of Paris. Gigue says I have improved but he will never admit much, as you know. He has forbidden me to touch the C in alt, and I did it just now. I cannot help it sometimes it comes so easy.