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He fired, and the glass splintered into shapelessness. "Told you I couldn't miss as close as you did," said he. "You are a darling," said Mr. Vogel. "Gif me dat lofely weapon." A fortunate store of bottles lay, leaned, or stood about in the white snow of Nampa, and Mr. Vogel began at them. "May I ask if anything is the matter?" inquired a mild voice from the stage.

"So perfectionately lofely a younk lady nefer did I saw," exclaimed Carl, clasping his hands and holding them before him, while he rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. "She's all thet," said Bud. "But come down ter airth. Stella ain't up among ther rafters." Ted had said nothing, and Stella looked at him. He was regarding her attentively. Her look said: "What do you think?"

For the second time, though I felt the longing in me to look at him, I shrank from doing it. Herr Grosse put his watch back in his pocket. "The minutes is passed," he said. "Will you come into the odder rooms? Will you understand that I cannot properly examine you before all these peoples? Say, my lofely Feench Yes? or No?" "No!" she cried obstinately, with a childish stamp of her foot.

And Jicks was established on a stool in a corner: devouring a rampant horse, carved in bilious-yellow German gingerbread, with a voracious relish wonderful and terrible to see. "Ah, my goot Madame Pratolungo!" said Herr Grosse, stopping on his way to Lucilla to shake hands with me. "Have you made anodder lofely Mayonnaise?

I found my illustrious guest putting a plate over the final dish of the dinner, full of the tenderest anxiety to keep it warm on my account. "Here is a lofely cheese-omelets," said Grosse. "Two-thirds of him I have eaten my own self. The odder third I sweat with anxiety to keep warm for you. Sit down! sit down! Every moment he is getting cold." "I am much obliged to you, Herr Grosse.

The magnate smiled a broad fond smile over the past which he had kicked, driven, shot, bled, and battled through to present power; and the boy winked up at him again now. "I don't propose to vanish, myself," said he. "Ah-ha! you was no longer mad mit der old Max! Of coorse I care what happens to you. I was alone in the world myself in those lofely wicked days."

"I thought you had arranged not to see Lucilla again till the end of the week." Grosse's eyes glared at me through his spectacles with a dignity and gravity worthy of Mr. Finch himself. "Shall I tell you something?" he said. "You see sitting at your side a lost surgeon-optic. I shall die soon. Put on my tombs, if you please, The malady which killed this German mans was Lofely Feench.

I like that," said the illustrious surgeon, pointing at the dish with his ringed forefinger. "You know how to make him you make him with creams. Is he chickens or lobsters? I like lobsters best, but chickens is goot too. The garnish is lofely anchovy, olive, beetroots; brown, green, red, on a fat white sauce! This I call a heavenly dish.

"I put you out don't I?" said Grosse. "You can't shut your eyes, my lofely Feench, while I am looking can you?" She turned red then pale again. I began to be afraid she would burst out crying. Grosse managed her to perfection. The tact of this rough, ugly, eccentric old man was the most perfect tact I have ever met with. "Shut your eyes," he said soothingly. "It is the right ways to learn.

"My lofely Esther, mein anchel of lofe," said the banker, "do not speak to me like dat. I tell you, I should not care ven all de vorld took me for a tief, if you should tink me ein honest man. I lofe you every day more and more." "That is my intention," said Esther. "And I will never again say anything to distress you, my pet elephant, for you are grown as artless as a baby.