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Olsen kissed her pale cheek with a resounding smack. "Mens is fonny sometimes," she said. "If tings isn't all right like you expect mebbe at Papineau's you come back here soon as you finish vhat you haf to do at Roaring Rifer. I haf anodder bed I can fix up in de back room real easy. Good py, ma'am, and look out careful for your nose!" With this incomprehensible bit of advice Mrs.

"I think you have in you none of the understanding of the French habitants who have live the three generation on one farm so that a young man, no matter if he love a mam'selle so very much that all the bread he eat taste ashes in his mouth ah, he cannot say 'I will leave I will go! For then that young man must turn himself to be anodder young man and the habitant does not so change."

The physical tour de force, was one of those feats of agility in which Neb had been my instructor, ten years before. "S'pose I free, who do sich matter for you, Masser Mile?" cried Neb, like one laying down an unanswerable proposition. "No, no, sir, I belong to you, you belong to me, and we belong to one anodder." This settled the matter for the present, and I said no more.

You vant me to come an' fetch you?? You vant anodder schmack on de maul to keep you avake yes?" He stamped into view round the forward house, while Conroy stood, convicted of idleness by the rope in his hand only half cut through. At the same moment a population of faces came into being behind him.

Old Peter has a long round, but he don't mind dat, so he gits de money. Den all de quality knows old Peter, and how de hats come off and de ladies smile when de New Year comes round again. Humph! Jingo! How stiff dis knee! When old Peter dead and gone, nebber find anodder carrier like him. Peter nebber stop for nuffin, de rain nor de shine, de northers nor de anything-umph! not even de rheumatiz."

An' I wants a turly headed doll that ties and suts her eyes when she does to seep, and wears a shash and a pairesol, and anodder bigger dolly to be her mam-ma and pank her when she's naughty, an' I wants an 'ittle fat-iron, an' a cookstove, an' wash-board. I'se dot a tub.

"Yais, Massa Tom," answered the colored man. "Yo' dad an' anodder gen'mans hab jest gone in de house." "Who's the other gentleman, Rad?" asked Tom, and the negro, glad of an excuse to cease the weeding of the onion bed, came shuffling forward. "It's de gen'mans what is allers saying his prayers," he answered. "Saying his prayers?" repeated Tom. "Yep. Yo' knows what I means, Massa Tom.

When your seeings-feelings has got used to one anodder, your seeings will stay where he is, your feelings will come back to where they was; one will balance the odder; you will feel as you did; you will see as you didn't; all at the same times, all jolly-nice again as before. You have my opinions. Now let me walk out my blue devil. I swear to come back again with a new inside.

I dunno why 'twuz, but I wuz mighty skeered ob enny white folks, 'ceptin' Miss Mollie h'yer. So I made it up wid mammy, dat we should wuk on till we'd got 'nough ter come back; an' den we'd come, an' I'd stop at some place whar I wa'n't knowed, an' let her come h'yer an' see how t'ings wuz. "I'd jest about got ter dat pint, when I hed anodder pull-back.

"On busy mornings you could hear our brains buzzing in Madison Square Garden. Oh, one moment." He rose and went into the outer office. "Pugsy," he said, "do you know Broster Street?" "Sure." "Could you find out for me exactly when the man comes round collecting the rents?" "Surest t'ing you know. I knows a kid what knows anodder kid what lives dere." "Then go and do it now.