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They entered, extended to every one in turn their unbending palms, unused to hand-clasps, gave their names abruptly in a low voice Manya, Katie, Liuba ... They sat down on somebody's knees, embraced him around the neck, and, as usual, began to importune: "Little student, you're such a little good-looker. May I ask for oranzes?" "Volodenka, buy me some candy! All right?" "And me chocolate!"

The naive Liuba did, in fact, extend her lips toward Lichonin's hand, and this movement made everybody laugh, and touched them just the least trifle. "And that's very good! It's like magic!" bustled the overjoyed Lichonin. "Go and notify the proprietress at once that you're going away from here forever.

Niura, through her nose, leads in a high voice. Liuba seconds her with a stifled alto: "Monday now is come again, They're supposed to get me out; Doctor Krasov won't let me out ..." In all the houses the windows are brightly lit, while hanging lanterns are burning before the entrances.

The girl awoke, passed her palm over her lips, first to one side, then the other, yawned, and smiled, in a funny, child-like manner. "I wasn't sleeping, I heard everything," she said. "I only dozed off for a teeny-weeny bit." "Liuba, do you want to go away from here with me?" asked Lichonin and took her by the hand.

Lichonin recalled vividly, that to-day at dawn he had spoken the very same phrase, like an actor; and even blinked his eyes from shame. "That's enough of tom-foolery. Let's go, gentlemen. Dress yourself, Liuba." It was not far to The Sparrows restaurant; some two hundred steps. On the way Liuba, unnoticed, took Lichonin by the sleeve and pulled him toward her.

"My dearie, my pretty," Liubka began to intone laughably and piteously, "well, what are you yelling at me for all the time?" and, in a moment, having blown upon the candle, she nestled up to him in the darkness, laughing and crying. "No, Liuba, this must not be.

Well, then, I continue, gentlemen. If we find anything which might satisfy the just opinion of Simanovsky about the dignity of independent toil, unsustained by anything, then I shall stick to my system: to teach Liuba whatever is possible, to take her to the theatre, to expositions, to popular lectures, to museums; to read aloud to her, give her the possibility of hearing music comprehensible music, of course.

Come to me, my baby, my lil' precious!" She drew him to her, breast against breast. Lichonin almost did not resist; he was all atremble, as from a chill, and meaninglessly repeating in a galloping whisper with chattering teeth: "No, now, Liuba, don't ... Really, don't do that, Liuba ... Ah, let's drop this, Liuba ... Don't torture me.

You, Liuba, will find in them real friends, who will help you on your radiant path; while you comrades, Liza, Nadya, Sasha and Rachel you will regard as elder sisters a being who has just struggled out of that horrible darkness into which the social structure places the modern woman." He spoke not exactly so, perhaps; but in any case, approximately in that manner.

That's excellent!" Lichonin grew joyous. "I will assist you, you'll open a dining room ... A cheap dining room, you understand ... I'll advertise it for you ... The students will come! That's magnificent! ..." "That's enough of making fun of me!" retorted Liuba, a bit offended, and again looked askance and questioningly at Jennie.