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But it was so; for Parson Nils' eldest son, Carl Linné, or Linnæus, became a great man who brought renown to his country and his people by telling them and all the world more than any one had ever known before about the trees and the flowers. The King knighted him for his services to science, and the people of every land united in acclaiming him the father of botany and the king of the flowers.

He contrived to make himself heir of Linne without the disagreeable ceremony of 'telling down the good red gold. Miss Bertram no sooner heard this painful, and of late unexpected, intelligence than she proceeded in the preparations she had already made for leaving the mansion-house immediately. Mr.

Conus larenatus, Hwass. 5. Conus hebraus, Linne. 6. Conus ceylanensis, Hwass. 7. Terebra maculata, Linne. 8. Terebra dimidiata, Linne. 9. Terebra consobrina, Deshayes. 10. Pleurotoma cingulifera, Lamarck. 11a. Murex tribulus, Linn. 12. Cassidulus paradisiacus, Reeve. 14. Nassa coronata, Lamarck. 15. Nassa pulla, Linne. 16. Purpura hippocastanum, Lamarck. 19. Sistrum arachnoides, Lamarck. 20.

She made a circle around North Lake, and came back by way of the Linne monument and the Palm House, Crusader ambling quietly by now, the groom trotting stolidly in the rear. Throughout all her ride she had seen no one but the park gardeners and the single grey-coated, mounted policeman whom she met each time she rode, and who always touched his helmet to her as she cantered past.

This is owing to her larger apparent size, and the abundance of illumination. The consequence is that the finest details of the moon, as seen in the largest telescope in the world, may be reproduced at a cost within the reach of all. No certain changes have ever been observed; but several suspicions have been expressed, especially as to the small crater Linne, in the Mare Serenitatis.

He was invited by the King of Spain to come to that country and found a School of Science, and so lavish were the promises that they surely would have turned the head of a lesser man. Universities in many civilized countries honored themselves by giving him degrees. In Seventeen Hundred Sixty-one, the King of Sweden issued a patent of nobility in his honor, and thereafter he was Carl von Linne.

Botany and zoölogy have never known a more eminent exponent than the lowly born Karl von Linné, whom the Swedes very properly denominate the King of Flowers. A certain degree of knowledge relative to plants and natural history, forms a part of all primary education in Sweden.

W. H. Pickering inclines to the belief that lunar volcanic action, once apparently so potent, is not yet wholly extinct. An instance of an opposite kind of change was alleged by Dr. Hermann J. Klein of Cologne in March, 1878. In Linné the obliteration of an old crater had been assumed; in "Hyginus N.," the formation of a new crater was asserted.

Haeckel's laboratory itself is a simple oblong building of yellowish brick, standing on a jutting point of land high above the street-level. Entering it, your eye is first caught by a set of simple panels in the wall opposite the door bearing six illustrious names: Aristotle, Linne, Lamarck, Cuvier, Müller, Darwin a Greek, a Swede, two Frenchmen, a German, and an Englishman.

The former, the hag-fishes, have a long, cylindrical, worm-like body. They were classed by Linne with the worms, and by later zoologists, with the fishes, or the amphibia, or the molluscs. They live in the sea, usually as parasites of fishes, into the skin of which they bore with their round suctorial mouths and their tongues, armed with horny teeth.