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Quit any time you want. Plenty of different working sites. Mines, refineries, factories, construction..." "Serenitatis Base?" Ramos asked almost too quickly, Frank thought. And he sounded curiously serious. Was this the Ramos who should be going a lot farther than the Moon, anyway? "Hell, yes, fella!" said the job scout. "Then I'll sign." "Excellent... You, too, guy?"

And if I get a job at Serenitatis Base, I think I'll be okay." Frank Nelsen hoped that he could escape any further part of Lester, but he wasn't sure that he had the guts to desert him. It wasn't long before the ionics were shut off. Enough velocity had been attained. Soon, the thrust would be needed in reverse, for braking action, near the end of the sixty hour journey into a circumlunar orbit.

The Tycho rays, when viewed under ordinary conditions, appear to extend in unbroken bands to immense distances. One of the most remarkable, strikes along the eastern side of Fracastorius, across the Mare Nectaris to Guttemberg, while another, more central, extends, with local variations in brightness, through Menelaus, over the Mare Serenitatis nearly to the north-west limb.

The bright streak traversing the Mare from N. to S., which is so prominently displayed in old maps of the moon, passes through this formation. SULPICIUS GALLUS. Another brilliant object on the south edge of the Mare Serenitatis, some distance E. of the last. It is a deep circular crater about 8 miles in diameter, rising to a considerable height above the surface.

The bright streak crossing the Mare from N. to S. passes through Bessel. LINNE. A formation on the E. side of the Mare Serenitatis, described by Lohrmann and Madler as a deep crater, but which in 1866 was found by Schmidt to have lost all the appearance of one.

This cleft forms the line of demarcation between the dark tone of the Mare Serenitatis and the light hue of the Mare Tranquilitatis, traceable under nearly every condition of illumination, and prominent in all good photographs. DAWES. A ring-plain 14 miles in diameter, situated N.W. of Plinius, on a nearly circular light area.

Linné had been known to Lohrmann and Mädler, 1822-32, as a deep crater, five or six miles in diameter, the third largest in the dusky plain known as the "Mare Serenitatis"; and Schmidt had observed and drawn it, 1840-43, under a practically identical aspect.

A delicate cleft, not very clearly traceable as a whole, begins near its N. end, and terminates amid the ramifications of the Apennines S. of Marco Polo. TAQUET. A conspicuous little crater on the S. border of the Mare Serenitatis at the foot of the Haemus Mountains. A branch of the great Serpentine ridge, which traverses the W. side of this plain and other lesser elevations, runs towards it.

"It's just prejudice and poor imagination. Well I don't think I'll even try to prove how good I am. Of course I could shoot for the asteroids. But I'd like to look around Serenitatis Base some, anyway. Will fifty bucks get me and my rig down?" "Talk to our pilot, Lame Fella," said the job scout. "But you must be suicidal nuts to be around here at all."

They suggest the "caving in" of the surface, similar to that observed on a frozen pond or river, where the "cat's ice" at the edge, through the sinking of the water beneath, is rent and tilted to a greater or less degree. The Mare Serenitatis and the Mare Imbrium, in the northern hemisphere, are also remarkable for the number of these peculiar features.