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'We lifed upon soup, horse-flesh, und beans for dinner, but before we vas eaten der soup, Reingelder he haf hold of his arm und cry, "It is genumben to der clavicle. I am a dead man; und Yates he haf lied in brint!" 'I dell you it vas most sad, for der symbtoms dot came vas all dose of strychnine.

You are a brown American. You shall be t'e most beautiful brown American t'at efer lifed. And you shall be first. Vit' you as an example we shall convince t'e vorld. Ve shall accomplish in t'ree generations t'e vork of a hundred t'ousand years of defelopment.

"What I gonter tell Marse Bob an' Miss Milly when they axes wha' Miss Ann done took herself?" "I ain't consarned with what you tells 'em. My Miss Ann air done writ a letter ter Miss Milly an' if you ain't got a lie handy you kin jes' han' her the billy dux." "I allus been holdin' ter it an' I'll give it ter you extry clarified, you's a mean nigger man mean an' low lifed.

I dink I make up some boetry apout him," and the German boy began: "Der vos von lettle sphider Vot lifed owid in der voot, He made himself a leetle veb Und said dot it vos goot." "Hurrah, for Hans!" cried Tom. "He's the true poet of spiderdom!" and then he added: "Hans, we'll crown you poet laureate if you say so." "I ton't von no crown," answered Hans, complacently.

In any case what I have, can be but a foretaste of what I have yet to be; and if so, then indeed is there a glory laid up for them that will have God, the I of their I, to throne it in the temple he has built, to pervade the life he has lifed out of himself.

You may become more famous in history fan Cleopatra or Ninon, and outshine t'em and all t'e ot'er beauties t'at efer lifed. Do you vant triumphs? Here t'ey are. Riches? You shall command t'em. Fame? Power? I haf t'em for you. You shall be t'e first. Aftervard, v'en beauty is common as ugliness is now ah, I do not know. Efen t'en it vill be a blessing.