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Theer's no blame 'pon you. An' for that matter, if your faither saved gude money at Newtake, why caan't Will?" "Times be changed. You've got to make two blades o' grass graw wheer wan did use, if you wants to live nowadays." "Hard work won't hurt him." "But it will if he reckons't is all wasted work. What's more bitter than toiling to no account, an' knawin all the while you be?"

After the sermon, silence followed, broken by Vallack, who coughed once and again, then raised himself and braced his heart to the tremendous question that demanded answering. "I wants your awn feelin' like, mister. I must have it. I caan't sleep no more wi'out knawin' the best or worst. You be the justest man ever I seed or heard tell on out the Scriptures.

If us could send en a pound o' charity, I doubt he'd be better for't." "Faither's a holy man, whatever else he be," said Tom stoutly. "He doan't want for no good qualities like, 'cause what he doan't knaw 'bout God edn' worth knawin'." Mary laughed. It was a feat she seldom performed, and the sound of her amusement lacked joy. "Well, us won't argue 'bout en. You'm right to say that.

'T is this way: Bonus be at death's door wi' a smashed nose, an' Blanchard done it; an' Jan Grimbal's vanished off the faace o' the airth. Not a sign of un seed arter he drove away last night from the Jubilee gathering. An' if 't is murder, you'll be in the witness-box, knawin' the parties same as you do; an' the sow 's got a braave litter, though what's that arter such news?"

"Of course, if you put it so, Will." "Theer 's no ways else to put it as I can see." "But for your awn peace of mind it might be wisest to dig the cross up. I listened by the window an' heard Billy Blee tellin' of awful cusses, an' he 's wise wi'out knawin' it sometimes." "That's all witchcraft an' stuff an' nonsense, an' you ought to knaw better, Phoebe.

Not for marrying his daughter of course, but for abduction that's what he'll bring against you." "An' so he shall, uncle, an' I'll save him all the trouble I can. That's no gert hardship weeks, or months even. I'll go like a lark, knawin' Phoebe's safe." So the matter stood and the days passed.

"That in the castell of Edinburgh, thair was left be the erle of Bothwell, before his fleeing away, and was send for be ane George Dalgleish, his servand, who was taken be the erle of Mortoun, ane small gylt coffer, not fully ane fute lang, garnisht in sindrie places with the roman letter F. under ane king's crowne; wharin were certane letteris and writings weel knawin, and be aithis to be affirmit to have been written with the quene of Scottis awn hand to the erle."

But mother seed en an' sez to me, 'Shut your mouth. An', not knawin' faither was be'ind me, I ups agin an' sez, 'Why caan't I, as be her awn brother, see Joan anyway an' hear tell what 'tis she've done? I lay as it ban't no mighty harm neither, 'cause Joan's true Tregenza!" "Good Lard! An' faither heard 'e?" "Iss, an' next minute I knawed it.

Then Will comed out hisself, an' I chaanged my thought an' followed un wheer he roamed, knawin' the colour of his mind through them black hours as if 'twas my awn. 'Twas arter he'd left the roundy-poundy wheer he was born that I put my child in it, then called tu un loud an' clear. He never knawed the voice, which was the awnly thing I feared. But a voice long silent be soon forgot.

I couldn't draw breath comfortable wi'out knawin' you was breathin' the same air, my son." "You'll live to knaw I was in the right. If fortune doan't come to you, you must go to it, I reckon. Anyways, I ban't gwaine to bide here a laughing-stock to Chagford; an' you'm the last to ax me to." "Miller would never let Phoebe go." "I shouldn't say 'by your leave' to him, I promise'e.