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Theer's no blame 'pon you. An' for that matter, if your faither saved gude money at Newtake, why caan't Will?" "Times be changed. You've got to make two blades o' grass graw wheer wan did use, if you wants to live nowadays." "Hard work won't hurt him." "But it will if he reckons't is all wasted work. What's more bitter than toiling to no account, an' knawin all the while you be?"

'T is the first framework of an immortal soul you've got unfoldin', like a rosebud hid in the green, an' ban't for you to nip that life for your awn whim an' let the angels in heaven be fewer by wan. You must live. An' the bwoy'll graw into a tower of strength for 'e a tower of strength an' a glass belike wheer you'll see Clem rose again." "The shame of it.

I hear she's returned after all." "Ess naughty twoad of a gal runned arter the gypsies! But she'm sobered now. Funny to think her mother, as seemed like a woman robbed of her right hand when Chris went, an' beginned to graw into the sere onusual quick for a widow, took new life as soon as her gal comed back. Just shaws what strength lies in a darter, as I tell 'e."

"Say, what's the idea, you carousin' round Noo York City this hour of the night diked up like a Coney Island Maudie Graw? And what's the idea, you causin' a boisterous and disorderly crowd to collect? And what's the idea, you makin' a disturbance in a vicinity full of decent hard-workin' people that's tryin' to get a little rest? What's the general idea, anyhow?" At this moment Mr.

I thought something of un wance, when I was no more 'n a bwoy, but as I get up in years I see the emptiness of un." "He would grow happy and sweeter-hearted if he could marry your sister." "Not him! Of course, if it's got to be, it will be. I ban't gwaine to see Chris graw into an auld maid. An' come bimebye, when I've saved a few hunderd, I shall set 'em up myself.

Morell's in Pickledilly, for wot's called a Strasbug-pie in French, a "patty defau graw." With Prince Talleyrand's compliments." Prince Tallyram's complimints, indeed! I laff when I think of it, still, the old surpint! He WAS a surpint, that Deuceace, and no mistake. Well, by a most extrornary piece of ill-luck, the nex day punctially as Mr. Dawkinses brexfas was coming UP the stairs, Mr.

A sky of unusual clearness crowned the Cornish moorland, and Uncle Chirgwin, standing at his kitchen door, already foretold frost, though the morning was still young. "The air's like milk just now, sure 'nough, an' 'twill bide so till noon; then, when the sun begins to slope, the cold will graw an' graw to frost. An' no harm done, thank God."

The Lard took Joan fust; then he took my revenge from me. His will be done. The man died four-an'-twenty hours 'fore I found en just four-an'-twenty lil hours that was all." "Thank the Almighty God for it, Joe, as I shall till the day of my death. Never was no prayer answered so surely as mine for you." "Why, maybe I'll graw to thank God tu when 'tis farther to look back 'pon.

Joe's a fiery feller when he reckons he's wronged; an' there ban't no balm to this hurt in Gosp'ling, take it as you will. I tell you, in your ear awnly, that Luke Gosp'lers graw ferocious like along o' the wickedness o' the airth. Take Michael, as walks wi' the Lard, same as Moses done; an' the more he do, the ferociouser he do get. Religion!

As for me 'tis a gert thing to be the faither of a cheel as'll graw into a man some day, an' may even be a historical character, awnly give un time." "So 'tis a gert thing. Sit down; doan't tramp about. I lay you've been on your feet enough these late hours." Will obeyed, but proceeded with his theme, and though his feet were still his hands were not.