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Updated: August 24, 2024

'Pears I ban't never to graw to love un as I would; an' yet I caan't quite help it when I sees his whole-hearted ferment to put money into my pocket; or when I hears him talk of nitrates an' the ways o' the world; or watches un playin' make-believe wi' the childer himself the biggest cheel as ever laughed at fulishness or wanted spankin' an' putting in the corner."

Tregenza gave them such information as suggested itself to her during the progress of the meal. She was chiefly concerned about her son. "Cruel 'ard worked he be, sure 'nough," she murmured. "'Tis contrary to reason a boy can graw when he's made to sweat same as Tom be. An' short for his age as 'tis. But butivul broad, an' 'mazin' strong, an' a fine sight to see en ate his food.

A gal 's a gal; an' if I was faither of such as your darter, I'd count it my solemn duty to see her out of the dangers of life an' tidily mated to a gude man. I'd say to myself, 'Her'll graw to bless me for what I've done, come a few years."

Theer they be, even to a furry-cloth, as none doan't ever use nowadays, though my mother did, and thot well on't. So I did tu. 'Tis just a bit o' crimson red tailor's cloth to cover the soft plaace 'pon a lil baaby's head 'fore the bones of en graw together. An' I reckon 'tis better to have it then not.

Why should he have been pitched into this here home? He might have been put in a palace just as easy, an' born of a royal queen mother, 'stead o' you; he might have opened his eyes 'pon marble walls an' jewels an' precious stones, 'stead of whitewash an' a peat fire. Be that baaby gwaine to thank us for bringing him in the world, come he graw up? Not him! Why should he?" "But he will.

"Stiff-necked he be, for certain; but he may graw quiet 'fore you think it. Nothing tames a man so quick as to see his woman and childer folk hungry eh? An' specially if 't is thanks to his awn mistakes." Mrs. Blanchard flushed and felt a wave of anger surging through her breast. But she choked it down. "You 'm hard in the grain, Lyddon so them often be who've lived over long as widow men.

"Awnly you'm right to look in the future and weigh the debt every man owes to the cheel he gets. He'll never cost you less thought or halfpence than he do to-day, an', wi'out croakin' at such a gay time, I will say he'll graw into a greater care an' trouble, every breath he draws." "Not him! Not the way I'm gwaine to bring un up. Stern an' strict an' no nonsense, I promise 'e" "That's right.

"Me bein' in the valley lookin' for your drowned body the while! Women 'mazes me more the wiser I graw. Come this way, to the linhay. There's a sweet bed o' dry fern in the loft, and you must keep out o' sight till mother's told cunning. I'll hit upon a way to break it to her so soon as she's rose. An' if I caan't, Phoebe will. Come along quiet.

"It fell about the Martinmas, When nights were lang and mirk, That wife's twa sons cam hame again, And their hats were o' the birk. "It did na graw by bush or brae, Nor yet in ony shough; But by the gates o' paradise That birk grew fair eneugh." The Wife of Usher's Well. It is the evening of the 15th of February, 1587, and Mrs.

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