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"I tell tha when t' farrier cam oop last night, he said she'd been managed first-rate! If yo and Daffady had yor way wi' yor fallals an yor nonsense, yo'd never leave a poor sick creetur alone for five minutes; I towd Daffady to let her be, an I'll let him knaa who's measter here!" He glared at the carter, quite regardless of Laura's presence.

"And ye came by the path alone in the night-time, did ye?" exclaimed old Mall Carke sternly. "I wasna afeared, I don't know why; the path heyam leads down by the wa'as o' auld Hawarth Castle." "I knaa it weel, and a dowly path it is; ye'll keep indoors o' nights for a while, or ye'll rue it. What saw ye?" "No freetin, mother; nowt I was feared on." "Ye heard a voice callin' yer neyame?"

"And tell him te come and tyek the aad beast hyem hissel; or, if he likes, aa'll run hor on te Hogland for him." "Well, you do seem to understand your owner and speak plainly to him. I should think he knows he has got an excellent master who looks after his interest." "Interest! What diz he knaa aboot interest? He knaas mair aboot the West Docks. Understand him, d'ye say?

"Aa thowt it was Jack Dent aa was taakin' tee. He cum heor wiv us." "Where is he now?" inquired the officer. "Hoo am aa t' knaa?" said Jimmy; "but the Lord help him when aa dee cum across him. He's betrayed me. Nivvor more will aa put me heed in a rabbit-hole!"