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"I forgathered wi' Wilson on Wednesday last, and I tell ye, sirs, he's worth the watching. They'll need to stand on a baikie that put the branks on him. He has the considering eye in his head yon lang far-away glimmer at a thing from out the end of the eyebrow. He turned it on mysell twa-three times, the cunning devil, trying to keek into me, to see if he could use me.

M'Iver put oat his head and his torch, giving a warder's keek at the door below where the knocking continued. He drew in his head quickly and looked at me with astonishment. "It's a woman," said he. "I never saw a campaign where so many petticoats of one kind or another were going. Who, in God's name, can this one be, and what's her errand to Dalness at this hour?

Girdle, a griddle. Glengarry bonnet, a small cap without visor. Greet, weep. Guddling, catching fish with the hands. Isna, is not. Keek, a peep. Ken, know. Kilmarnock bonnet, a tam-o'-shanter. Kirk, church. Biro, a churn. Kist, a chest. Laird, a lord, a landed proprietor. Laverock, the lark. Limmer, a mischievous person. Losh, an exclamation. Loup, to leap. Lug, ear.

"Keek into the draw-well, Janet, Janet, Then ye'll see your bonny sell, My joe Janet." "So ye're no thinking to let us in, Mr Halliday? Weel, weel; gude e'en to you ye hae seen the last o' me, and o' this bonny die too," said Jenny, holding between her finger and thumb a splendid silver dollar. "Give him gold, give him gold," whispered the agitated young lady.

I thought, at first, it would be fine to have a talking goat, with whom I could converse as I rode about my city on his back; but keek-eek-eek-eek! the rascal treats me as if I were a chimney sweep instead of a King. Heh, heh, heh, keek, eek! A chimney sweep hoo, hoo, hoo! and me a King! Funny, isn't it?"

I say mit my husband dat night, 'Vill you keek me hard, if you pleas'? Mais, he cannot, he hav' zee gout in zee grande toe, und he can't keek vurth one sou! und zat is my second tr'uble!" Behind her broad back the Colonel confessed that had she expressed such a wish on the occasion of the mistake, he would willingly have obliged her, as he was quite free from gout.

"Trout," answered Jock, his eyes shining with excitement. "Let me take a keek," said Jean, flopping down beside them and craning her neck over the edge. They were all three peering with breathless interest into the water when a strange voice behind them made them jump. For an instant they thought it might be Angus Niel. "Hello!" said the voice.

How no? Sacramento! If that I am president and do not make one meelion dolla in the one year you shall keek me on that side! valgame Dios! "Denver got a Cuban cigar-maker to fix up a little cipher code with English and Spanish words, and gave the General a copy, so we could cable him bulletins about the election, or for more money, and then we were ready to start.

Jist open the door, mem, gien ye please, an lat's hae a keek intill 't." "I daren't open it. It's never opened, I tell you. It's against the rules of the house. Come to my room, and I'll tell you the story about it." "Weel, ye 'll lat me see intil the neist winna ye? There's nae law agane openin' hit is there?" said Malcolm, approaching the door next to the one in dispute.

Many's the tale I could tell o' his doin' an' our sufferin'. Why, I mind a poor lump of a 'prentice as I wunst had, a loon as never could raise a keek: poor soul, he bin underground this many year. Well, as I were sayin', this 'prentice o' mine were allers bein' baited by the boys o' the grammar school.