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Morris asked, and Enrico Simonetti heaved a great sigh. "I like-a da job first-class, Mr. Perlmutter, I gotta no keek," he declared; "but I can no work. I am seek." "Sick!" Morris exclaimed; "well, why didn't you tell us then? We'd only be too glad to let you go away for a couple of weeks, Henry." Enrico sighed even more deeply. "Ees not a seekness for two weeks, Mr. Perlmutter," he said.

"Ye are a young gentleman," he replied, "and an Englishman, and a' this may be very fine to you; but for me, wha am a plain man, and ken something o' the different values of land, I wadna gie the finest sight we hae seen in the Hielands, for the first keek o' the Gorbals o' Glasgow; and if I were ance there, it suldna be every fule's errand, begging your pardon, Mr.

"So so!" said Rinkitink softly; and then he paused a moment, as if in thought. Finally he said: "There are worse things than slavery, but I never imagined a well could be one of them. Tell me, Inga, could you let down some food to me? I'm nearly starved, and if you could manage to send me down some food I'd be well fed hoo, hoo, heek, keek, eek! well fed. Do you see the joke, Inga?"

But if ye ask what other chance ye have, I answer: Nane. Either take to the heather with me, or else hang." "And that's a choice very easily made," said I; and we shook hands upon it. "And now let's take another keek at the red-coats," says Alan, and he led me to the north-eastern fringe of the wood.

And even then they used to keek everywhere, under the beds, and examine the wall to see if it had any crack or hole through which a person could peer.

"Ran away!" exclaimed King Kitticut in surprise. "Funny, isn't it? Heh, heh, heh woo, hoo!" laughed Rinkitink, and this is as near as I can spell with letters the jolly sounds of his laughter. "Fancy a King running away from his own people hoo, hoo keek, eek, eek, eek! But I had to, don't you see!" "Why?" asked the other King. "They're afraid I'll get into mischief. They don't trust me.