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However that might be, he was keeking at her from closer range now; and in that position for he held her firmly still she could not help but keek back. He looked so handsome humble for once; penitent yet reproachful; his own eyes a little moist; and, withal, his old audacious self that, despite herself, her anger grew less hot. "Say yo' forgie me and I'll let yo' go."

"Your rocks are getting loose, Kaliko, and you'd better have them glued in place before they hurt someone." Then he began to chuckle: "Hoo, hoo, hoo-hee, hee-heek, keek, eek!" and Kaliko sat and frowned because he realized that the little fat King was poking fun at him.

'It fleys folk fine an' stirs up their conscience graund. I aince thocht I caught a keek o' "Parcy" mysel', but I wasna muckle gliffed, for though I ken fine I'm a sinner, I've naethin' particular on my conscience. 'Mind ye, I dinna ken whether 'twas a wraith I saw or no for I'd been first footin', ye ken, an' maybe I had a wee drappie i' my e'e.

"Look here! all this is about a landlord not a hundred miles from Middlemarch, who receives his own rents. They say he is the most retrogressive man in the county. I think you must have taught them that word in the 'Pioneer." "Oh, that is Keek an illiterate fellow, you know. Retrogressive, now! Come, that's capital.

This last was addressed to Prince Inga, whom he chucked familiarly under the chin, to the boy's great embarrassment. "Why do you not ride a horse?" asked King Kitticut. "I can't climb upon his back, being rather stout; that's why. Kee, kee, keek, eek! rather stout hoo, hoo, hoo!"

What Brodie had christened "the considering keek" was in his eyes; they were far away, and saw the distant village in process of erection; busy with its chances and occasions. Then an uneasy thought seemed to strike him and recall him to the man by his side. He stole a shifty glance at the sandy smiler. "But I thought you were a friend of Gourlay's," he said slowly. "Friendship!" said Gibson.

He minded that ropes was unco saft things, and the solan's neb and the Bass Rock unco hard, and that twa hunner feet were raither mair than he would care to fa'. "Shoo!" says Tam. "Awa', bird! Shoo, awa' wi' ye!" says he. The solan keekit doon into Tam's face, and there was something unco in the creature's ee. Just the ae keek it gied, and back to the rope.

But don't you see the landlord's pale face peeping in at the window every now and then, just in the style in which the uncle Kuehleborn, in Fouqué's 'Undine, used to 'keek' in at the window of the fisherman's hut. Haven't you noticed the irritated 'Oh, Jemini! countenance of the waiter? Are you never going to let an honest man get to his well-earned bed? Those people are right.

Alan only, if I were you to speak my plain mind' Here he approached his mouth to the ear of the young lawyer, and, after another acute pang of travail, was safely delivered of his advice in the following abrupt words: 'Take a keek into Pate's letter before ye deliver it. Fairford started, looked the provost hard in the face, and was silent; while Mr.

I had just scolded severely my Lord High Chancellor for coming to breakfast without combing his eyebrows, and was so sad and regretful at having hurt the poor man's feelings that I decided to shut myself up in my own room and study the scroll until I knew how to be good hee, heek, keek, eek, eek! to be good! Clever idea, that, wasn't it? Mighty clever!