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The name of the bhisti was Juma, and so gallantly did he behave in action at Delhi, calmly carrying water to the wounded and dying under the most tremendous fire, that the soldiers themselves said: "This man is the bravest of the brave, for without arms or protection of any sort he is in the foremost line; if any one deserves the star for valour this man does."

Our skipper, Juma, affirmed that there was no water to speak of; but Juma probably nay, certainly prefers the otium of a sojourn at Sopor to the toil of punting up the Pohru. The postmaster declared that there was lots of water, but qualified his optimism by saying that it was falling fast.

Strickland left the room, but Juma, the foster-mother, stayed to see. "Am I to be whipped here?" he gasped. "Of course." "Before that woman? Father, I am a man -I am not afraid. It is my izzat my honour." When it was all over, Adam said quietly: "I am little, and you are big. If I stayed among my horse folk I should not have been whipped. You are afraid to go there."

Two of my men were following him; these Selim was ordered to force back with a revolver. Shaw was saddling his donkey with my own saddle, preparatory to giving me the slip, and leaving me in the lurch to the tender mercies of Mirambo. There were only Bombay, Mabruki Speke, Chanda who was coolly eating his dinner, Mabruk Unyauyembe, Mtamani, Juma, and Sarmean -only seven out of fifty.

That religion which so far overcomes the selfishness of the human heart must be Divine. Leaving Kota-kota Bay, we turned away due West on the great slave route to Katanga's and Cazembe's country in Londa. Juma lent us his servant, Selele, to lead us the first day's march.

Adam returned, halting outside the verandah, very white about the lips. "I have sent away Juma because she saw that that which happened. Until she is gone I do not come in the house," he said. But to send away thy foster-mother ~" said Strickland, with reproach. "I do not send her away. It is thy blame, and the small forefinger was pointed to Strickland.

"Come out at once," said Strickland, for the horses were beginning to paw violently. "Why should I obey Juma's order? She is afraid of horses." "It is not Juma's order. It is mine. Obey!" "Ho!" said Adam, "Juma did not tell me that." And he crawled out on all fours among the shod feet. Mrs.

Men were sent off on the night of the 23rd to Syde bin Habib for powder and help. Mohamad Bogharib is now unwilling to take the onus of the war: he blames Mpamari, and Mpamari blames him; I told Mohamad that the war was undoubtedly his work, inasmuch as Bin Juma is his man, and he approved of his seizing the women.

There were no mosquitoes, but the sand-fly bit viciously on mornings and evenings between the dark and sunlit hours, confining one to the dim cage and putting a veto upon the pleasant lounge or seat in the cool open. We found lodgings in the guest-hut of the headman, Kwáko Juma, like most of his brethren, a civil man and a greedy.

It may be mentioned, that a very extraordinary conjunction of the planets in the sign Libra took place in A.D. 1185, just about the period of Jangis Khan's appearance as a conqueror; but I am not aware that he was thence called a Sahib Kiran, as he did not happen to be born under the said conjunction. The fort, or rather fortified place, of Dilli, and the great mosque, called the Juma' Masjid.