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A young woman, dressed in the highest style of Makonde fashion, punting as dexterously as a man could, brought a canoe full of girls to see us.

Faulkner replied. "I will be at the station to see you off," I said, for even if they wanted me I did not feel like punting on the Cherwell. I pointed out Jack Ward's rooms to Nina, and had walked half-way across the quad when Mrs. Faulkner called me back. "I hope your friend is better?" she asked. "He has only just begun to be ill," I answered.

By and by there was punting and fishing on the river, strawberry gathering in the park, explorations of the forest, expeditions of all sorts and kinds, Jasper being soon likewise well enough to share in them.

Olive Lynn, seeing her confusion, but not understanding its cause, tried good-naturedly to put her at her ease. "I think I saw you on the river last night, didn't I? We were in a canoe, and you and Mr. Rose were punting." "Oh yes!" Toni, still wrestling with her problem, answered rather vaguely. "We we had taken tea with us and were late home." "That's so jolly, isn't it?" Olive smiled.

"For there's no harm in telling you now that we were depending on you for half the punting.

In that noble Court everybody was a gambler. You would see the lacqueys in the ducal ante-rooms at work with their dirty packs of cards; the coach and chair men playing in the court, while their masters were punting in the saloons above; the very cook-maids and scullions, I was told, had a bank, where one of them, an Italian confectioner, made a handsome fortune: he purchased afterwards a Roman marquisate, and his son has figured as one of the most fashionable of the illustrious foreigners in London.

The young reporter, who had quite a mechanical genius of his own, constructed a rough sort of boat out of boards from the walls of the old shack, and used it on his fishing expeditions, "punting" it along with a long pole made from a willow sapling from a grove on the river bank some distance below where they were camped.

The equipment was finally completed by two wooden shell-boxes to sit on, a short broad paddle and a long punting pole. By now the sun had dipped below the horizon leaving nothing of its glory in the low-hung, hard clouds. All the world seemed clad in velvet-gray, with dark soft shadows. A gleam of light reflected from water as it showed in patches here and there.

Yes, sor come and pick it out." After that it was plain sailing or punting. The picture of that London cad sprawling in the water, which my approval had created in his mind, had done it. Many years of tramping and boating up and down the Thames from Reading to Maidenhead have taught me the ins and outs of the river.

Of course, my road lay through March and Ely to Newmarket and Colchester, and I wouldn't believe the boys who called to me that I'd be stopped; but sure enough, not two miles east of Peterboro' the road slid under water and people were punting themselves about on doors, and cooking their grub upstairs. In the fields the hay-cocks and corn-ricks were just showing themselves above the water.