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Susanna left the office with a drooping head, knowing the sadness that she had left behind. Brother Ansel sat under the trees near by, and his shrewd eye perceived the drift of coming events. "Well, Susanna," he drawled, "you're goin' to leave us, like most o' the other 'jiners. I can see that with one eye shut."

We sowed more'n usual so's to keep the two jiners at work long's we could. Take that scythe over to the barn, Jacob, an' fetch me another, an' step spry." "What's a 'jiner, Ansel?" "Winter Shakers, I call 'em. They're reg'lar constitooshanal dyed-in-the-wool jiners, jinin' most anything an' hookin' on most anywheres.

He jined the Church last spring, and the minister said, "You must go home now, Brothern Billins, and erect a family altar in your own house," whereupon the egrejis old ass went home and built a reg'lar pulpit in his sittin room. He had the jiners in his house over four days. I am 56 years of age. Time, with its relentless scythe, is ever busy. The Old Sexton gathers them in, he gathers them in!

"Make us a good old-fashioned deep-dish pandowdy an' we'll all do our best to eat it!" "I suppose the 'jiners' get discouraged and fear they can't keep up to the standard. Not everybody is good enough to lead a self-denying Shaker life," said Susanna, pushing back the close sunbonnet from her warm face, which had grown younger, smoother, and sweeter in the last few weeks.