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Herbert Spencer deals with this "jiner" propensity in man, and describes it as a manifestation of the herding instinct in animals. It is a combination for mutual protection a social contract, each one waiving a part of his personality in order to secure a supposed benefit. A herd of cattle can stand against a pack of wolves, but a cow alone is doomed. Few men indeed can stand against the pack.

We were proud of Jimmy, and assigned him to write up the funeral. That was to be a "day of triumph in Capua." There being no relatives to interfere, the lodges of the town and the Governor was known as a "jiner" had vied with one another to make the funeral the greatest rooster-feather show ever given in the State.

No more it ain't likely and let him be as big a duffer as ever was, to be a jiner at all that he'd ha' been two year at work on that there throne an' a carvin' of it in figures too! and never found out it was four spans too narrer for the place it had to stand in. Do ye 'appen to know now, grannie, how much is a span?" "I don't know. Do you know, Mrs. Percivale?"

He was an incomer, he told me, from the Borders, his native place being the town of Galashiels, or, as he called it, 'Gawly'. 'I began as a powerloom tuner in Stavert's mill. Then my father dee'd and I took up his trade of jiner. But it's no world nowadays for the sma' independent business, so I cam to the Clyde and learned a shipwright's job.

"Just so, sur, an' fort-builder to boot; for, being a jiner to trade and handy wid the tools, Mr Murray sent me down here to build the place and take command, but I s'pose I'm suppersheeded now!" "Well, I believe you are, Teddy; but I hope that you will yet do good service as my lieutenant."

I shouldn't say that, but I must say I couldn't fancy a h'undertaker. Just imagine 'im 'andlin' the dead and then 'andlin' me!" "Eh, ye nesty cratur," said Bella, much disgusted "But I suppose ye're meaning English undertakers men that does naething but work wi' funerals a fearsome ill job. Here it's the jiner that does a' thing, so it's faur mair homely."

Stott was a "jiner" for business purposes and he was wearing all his lodge pins in the expectation of obtaining special privileges from brother members while travelling. C. D. Budlong wore a "blazer" and a pair of mountain boots that had involved him in a quarrel with a Pullman conductor, who had called him a vandal for snagging a plush seat with the hob-nails. At his wife's request, Mr.

We sowed more'n usual so's to keep the two jiners at work long's we could. Take that scythe over to the barn, Jacob, an' fetch me another, an' step spry." "What's a 'jiner, Ansel?" "Winter Shakers, I call 'em. They're reg'lar constitooshanal dyed-in-the-wool jiners, jinin' most anything an' hookin' on most anywheres.