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"When I heard the machine comin' in the yard I knowed somethin' was wrong an' I guess it couldn't be no worse," added Mary, beginning to cry. "You hadn't no right to do ut, Bill. Hookin' a buzz-buzz an' a kid an' when we wuz playin' the white card! You ought t' 'a' told me, Bill, what ye went to town fer, an' it bein' Christmas, an' all."

"I was that scared for a minute," resumed the toll-woman, "that I hadn't any strength. The middle door never is locked. I leave it on the latch like, so I can hear wheels better. What to do I didn't know, but a body thinks fast at such times. First thing I knew I was on the back doorstep, hookin' the door on the outside.

"Don't you know that one hunderd percent of the women turn their toes in when they go upstairs? To keep from hookin' into their skirts? Thunder, you oughter of thought of that, too!" Some one had posted Anderson on this peculiarly feminine trait, and he was making the best of it. Incidentally, it may be said that every man in Tinkletown took personal observations in order to satisfy himself.

Yes, sah, I'm a christian, an' I don't want no one, incloodin' mysc'f, to go forgettin' it. "This yere news don't weigh on me partic'lar, an' I makes no comments. It's three weeks later when Tom cuts loose another commoonication. "'You rec'llects, he says, 'about me bein' a j'iner an' hookin' up wid d' Presbyter'ans?

"'Twon't be hookin'. The money by right belongs to me. Ain't I the head of the family?" "I dunno about that. Marm's the boss, and always has been," chuckled Abner. Joel frowned, but immediately tried another attack. "Of course I'll give you some of it, Abner," he resumed. "If there's five dollars I'll give you a quarter." "I'll see about it, dad." "Get it for me before evenin', if you can.

"Poor boy!" says Miss McLeod, hookin' her arm into his. "Don't mind. I think you were perfectly splendid about it." "By Jove, though! Do you?" says he. "Would would you risk another ride with me, Ann? I know Adelbaran didn't show up very well but " "But your disposition did," cuts in Ann.

F'r all that, whur the timmer's clost an' brushy, an' the ground o' that sort whur a hoss mout stummel, it are allers the safest plan to let ole Eph'm slide. I've seed a grizzly pull down as good a hoss as ever tracked a parairy, whur the critter hed got bothered in a thicket. The fellur that straddled him only saved himself by hookin' on to the limb o' a tree.

Now, I tell you, a man that looks the way I saw him look when I come over the gunwale, face up, don't go 'round breakin' in and hookin' things. He hadn't one chance in five, and he was a married man, too, with small children. And what's more," he added, incautiously, "he didn't stop there.

"Where you goin', all alone, 'thout me?" cried Dotty Dimple, from the top of the bank. "You here? What did you come for?" said Susy. For answer, Dotty took a pair of rubber overshoes out of Zip's mouth. "Grandma says to put 'em right on, or you'll catch the hookin' cough; the boat's wet." "There, now," said Susy, putting on the rubbers, "I've forgot the basket for those Jack-in-the-pulpit roots.

"Say, Dan," she asked wistfully, "have you got a girl?" "Naw," said Dan disdainfully, "what do I keer about girls?" "I don't know. I thought maybe you had. I bet that there Clarke boy's got two or three." "Let him have 'em," said Dan; then, finding the subject distasteful, he added, "what's the matter with hookin' on behind that there wagon?"