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And, besides, I thought it might be for the skipper's good in the long run. "I broke it to her as gentle as I could. I didn't tell 'er much, I just gave her a few 'ints. Just enough to make her ask for more. "'And mind, I ses, 'I don't want to be brought into it.

He didn't mind the black for out o' doors, in case the Army was looking for 'im, but 'aving no clothes he couldn't get out o' doors; and when he said he wouldn't perform unless he got some, Mr. Alfredi dropped 'ints about having 'im took up for a deserter.

A marriage! an' I sez, 'Not at all, Twitt not at all, Mister Reay, if I may make so bold, but slippin' on peel don't mean marriage, nor yet clinkers, though two spoons in a saucer does convey 'ints o' the same, an' two spoons was in Twitt's saucer only this very mornin'. Which I wishes both man an' woman as runs the risk everlastin' joy! An' Twitt, as is allus puttin' in 'is word where 'taint wanted, sez, 'Don't talk about everlastin' joy, mother, 'tis like a hepitaph' which I answers quick an' sez, 'Your mind may run on hepitaphs, Twitt, seein' 'tis your livin', but mine don't do no such thing, an' when I sez everlastin' joy for man an' wife, I means it. An' then Mister Reay comes an' pats me on the shoulder cosy like an' sez, 'Right you are, Mrs.

Brimberly bowed himself out, but immediately bowed himself in again. "Sir," said he, "if you could give me some hidea, sir " "Some what?" "A few 'ints, sir, as to the nature of said hobject whether animal, mineral, or nooter, sir?" "Well perhaps 'animal' might be the more interesting." "Now as to gender, sir masculine shall we say, or shall we make it feminine?" "Oh either will do!

C. arrived with the perogues and landed opposite to us. after dinner I passed the river to the perogues and found that Capt. C. had halted for the evening and was himself hunting with three of the party. the men in formed me that they had seen nothing of the hunters whom we had sent on the 11th ints. to the Entrance of Cruzatt's Riv.

Oh, it's in the way of business, as you might say. I comes here to pick up 'ints. I s'pose now you thought 'twasn't very feelin'-'earted, and my Dick gone away foreign only this mornin'?" He remembered now that the girl's zeal for Mission work had cooled ever since she had been walking-out with her Dick a young stoker in the Berenice. "I reckon that's the last of the dinner-guests.

Now I don't much care for foreigners, and never did, especially them Harabs, which their 'abits ain't my own, so I as much 'ints the same. But this 'ere Harab party, he didn't seem to quite foller of my meaning, for all he done was to say as he said afore, "A room for the night, a room." And he shoves a couple of 'arf crowns into my 'and.

He didn't mind the black for out o' doors, in case the Army was looking for 'im, but 'aving no clothes he couldn't get out o' doors; and when he said he wouldn't perform unless he got some, Mr. Alfredi dropped 'ints about having 'im took up for a deserter.