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"There might be, perhaps, if all hands of you were willing to agree to my terms," I answered, stubbornly determined to drive the best bargain possible. "Ah!" he exclaimed with an air of satisfaction; "that sounds better; yes, a good deal better, it do. You say what them terms of yours be, Mr Troubridge, and I dare say I could very soon give ye a hidea whether we'd be willin' to agree to 'em.

"They seems reasonable enough, I won't deny it," admitted Polson, "and I dare say as everybody'll be willin' enough to agree to 'em, all except Wilde, I mean. I know he won't like the hidea of not bein' allowed to hinterfere until we arrives at the hiland. Can't ye make that there part a trifle easier, Mr Troubridge?"

This was Scipio's story, but Peter Taylor, who stood smoking a small pipe, with looks of austere indifference to all human interests, had another theory to account for the leave-taking of Moses. "I've no hidea 'e ran away to Ohio. That lazy nigger 'ated work too much to run away to Ohio. I suspicion that the rascal drifted away on a flatboat." "What makes you think so, Peter?"

Yer carn't say as it's ever been proved as it wasn't." Stubbins passed the box back to me, and went on without noticing Quoin's remark: "Told you to go an' have a snooze, did he? I don't hunderstand what he's bluffin' at." "How do you mean, bluffing?" I asked. He nodded his head, sagely. "It's my hidea he knows you saw that light, just as bloomin' well as I do."

In a voice more than commonly rich with accent, Sturm demanded sharply: "What is this? I do not understand!" He shook in Nogam's face the half-sheet of notepaper on which the Chinese phonograms were drawn. "Sorry, sir, but I 'aven't any hidea. Prince Victor didn't tell me anything except there would be no answer, and I was to 'urry right back to Frampton Court."

"'Indeed it was lucky for some of us you devoted yourself to high art, Gandish, Mr. Smee says, and sips the wine and puts it down again, making a face. It was not first-rate tipple, you see. "'Two girls, continues that indomitable Mr. Gandish. 'Hidea for 'Babes in the Wood. 'View of Paestum, taken on the spot by myself, when travelling with the late lamented Earl of Kew.

Brimberly bowed himself out, but immediately bowed himself in again. "Sir," said he, "if you could give me some hidea, sir " "Some what?" "A few 'ints, sir, as to the nature of said hobject whether animal, mineral, or nooter, sir?" "Well perhaps 'animal' might be the more interesting." "Now as to gender, sir masculine shall we say, or shall we make it feminine?" "Oh either will do!

Lady Clara was in her own room scolding, persuading, and comforting Caroline, when a card was brought to her, and she read, with astonishment, the name of "Matthew Stacy, Esq., Ex-Alderman, New York." "Who is this person?" she inquired. "Haven't the least hidea, my lady; he asked for yer leddyship, and would, on no account, see any one else, yer leddyship." "Where is he now?"

"Come, I'll help you," said Solomon, carrying the baby to the mouth of the alley pointed out by the little girl. "Is he your brother?" "O no, sir; I ain't got no brother. He b'longed to a neighbour who's just gone dead, an' mother she was fond o' the neighbour, an' promised to take care of the baby. So she gave 'im to me to nuss. An' oh! you've no hidea, sir, what a hobstinate thing 'e is.