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'E was kilt by your uncle, that's wot 'e was, and your uncle couldn't never abide cats. 'E was that feared of 'em 'e couldn't even bury 'em when they was kilt, and one of my duties, Miss, as long as I lived with 'im, was buryin' of cats, and until this one, I never come up with one wot couldn't stay buried, that's wot I 'aven't. "'E 'ated 'em like poison, that's wot 'e did.

This was Scipio's story, but Peter Taylor, who stood smoking a small pipe, with looks of austere indifference to all human interests, had another theory to account for the leave-taking of Moses. "I've no hidea 'e ran away to Ohio. That lazy nigger 'ated work too much to run away to Ohio. I suspicion that the rascal drifted away on a flatboat." "What makes you think so, Peter?"

"I been thinking," said Miriam, "It isn't going to be so bad after all. We shall get your insurance. We can easy begin all over again." "H'm," said Mr. Polly. She turned her face away from him and reflected. "Get a better house," said Miriam, regarding the wallpaper pattern. "I've always 'ated them stairs." Mr. Polly removed a boot.

The best of 'em, a grand sire, was the very spit of that little dawg sitting up on that there bench. Colonel bred 'em for profit, not pleasure. Mrs. Crofton, she 'ated 'em, and she lost no time either in getting rid of 'em after 'e was gone. They got on 'er nerves, same as 'e'd done. She give the best prize-winner 'e was to the Crowner as tried the corpse.

"'Baccy? I asks agin knowin' he 'ated it. "'Phaw, he says, 'your filthy smoke what need is there of it? "'Wimmen! I says, thinkin' that would be a clincher fer him. "'Yes, he shouts; 'beautiful nymphs, spirits as immortal as myself! "'I don't see 'em! says I. "'They are in the water, says he; 'beautiful water nymphs and wood nymphs lurks there among the trees!

I wonder whether Sir Orlando would do it. If any man ever 'ated another, Sir Orlando Drought must 'ate the Duke of Omnium." "I don't think he'd let himself down to that kind of thing." "Let 'imself down! I don't see any letting down in it. But those men who have been in cabinets do stick to one another even when they are enemies.

Bathsheba took from her desk a gorgeously illumin- ated and embossed design in post-octavo, which had been "bought on the previous market-day at the chief stationer's in Casterbridge. In the centre was a small oval enclosure; this was left blank, that the sender might insert tender words more appropriate to the special occasion than any generalities by a printer could possibly be.

It was always a marvel to me 'e didn't put somebody's eye out, but I didn't mind I 'ated everybody. 'E didn't live with me, 'e just came in an' out. 'E never tol' me 'is name was Elbert I just called 'im thet, the prettiest name I knew.

I'll be coughin' blood before eyght bells. 'Ow can it be myde up to me, I arsk? 'Oo's goin' to do it? Gawd? 'Ow Gawd must 'ave 'ated me w'en 'e signed me on for a voyage in this bloomin' world of 'is!" This tirade against destiny went on for an hour or more, and then he buckled to his work, limping and groaning, and in his eyes a great hatred for all created things.

Some of the crew had heard them talking of the treasure city ten days' journey to the west, and had heard Jarvis remark that he "'ated t' think 'ow rich they'd be." Could it be possible they had seized the submarine and deserted the party for the sake of gain to themselves? For a moment faith wavered, then their better natures triumphed. "Not them," they declared. "Not Dave and old Jarvis."