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Like a tug of war team they all bowed their backs and strained with all their might; but their efforts proved futile. "Vast heavin!" said Slavin, breathing heavily. "'Tis shtuck somehow I will have tu get th' team an' double-trees. Get a log off'n that breakwater, bhoys, so's th' rope will not cut inta th' edge av th' bank." He crossed over to the horses.

"But I tell yu' when Mr. Man let up with his fancy shootin' it was th' peaceablest place in th' Union. Th' rough stuff'd drifted what was left above ground. He dragged it too, later. I never heered wher he went." "Ah!" remarked Slavin pityingly, knocking out his pipe. "Th' few shots av hootch ye had tu throw inta yu' last night tu get ye're Dutch up must be makin' ye see double, me man.

If th' rough stuff he run inta there was on'y th' loikes av yersilf he must have shtruck a soft snap." He arose. "Put th' stringers on him agin, Ridmond, an' take um upstairs an' lock um up! Yu'll be escort wid um tu Calgary whin th' East-bound comes in an' see here, look! . . . I want ye tu be back here agin as soon as iver ye can make ut back.

"This ain't you-all ain't puttin' me inta dis year fine bedroom!" she exclaimed in a kind of horror. "Yes, this is your room," said Julia Cloud kindly, stepping in and moving a chair a little farther from the bed, that there might be room for the girl's trunk.

He always likes a drink of milk last thing before he goes to bed." She vanished and returned with a quart of milk cold off the ice. She wrapped it well with newspapers, and Billy packed it safely into the little basket on his wheel. Then he bethought him of another need. "Say, m'y I go inta the g'rage an' get a screw driver? Screw loose on m'wheel."

"Hould on, bhoy!" he said, with all an old policeman's fussiness over rightful procedure. "Du not touch! That is th' coroner's bizness. Did they not dhrill that inta yeh at Regina?" He stared thoughtfully at the corpse. "Dhrink an' th' divil! eyah! dhrink an' th' divil!" sadly.

Sary deigned no reply to the information but vented a bit of her ire against the new-comers by shrugging her great shoulders and saying: "Ef Ah w'ar you-all, Miss Brewster, Ah'd shore pitch them trunks clar over th' line inta Wyomin' state whar th' Injuns kin scramble fer th' fancy duds!" "Oh, Sary, I smell the cherry-dumplings scorching!" cried Mrs.

He was reading an article entitled, "My Secrets of Beauty," profusely illustrated. "I wouldn't have one o' the things did ye give it t' me," said Cassidy. "Runnin' inta telegrapht poles an' trolley cairs." "Couple of friends of mine took me out for a little spin," said Bean, clutching his stick, his gloves and Nap's leash. He seemed to be still spinning.

The other guards had been yelling their delight at the fight, and their hatred of the brash newcomer who was destroying their easy set-up. It was plain they were all on Gorton's side, and hoped to see Hanlon get thoroughly whipped. "Bat his ears off, Gort!" "Pound some sense inta him!" "Show him who's top man aroun' here!" One of them was not content with yelling.

"Some sind-off! well! time wint on, an' wan day I gets a letther from me ould friend, Ginger Johnson, who was stationed there tu, tellin' me all th' news. Nobby, sez he, was doin' fine, fat as a hog, an' happy as a coon in a melun patch. Wan day, sez he, a buck av th' name av Wampy Jones comes a runnin' inta th' Post, wid th' face av a ghost an' th' hair av um shtickin shtraight up.