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Th' Sicrety iv th' Three-asury has a scheme f'r roonin' thim be lindin' thim money. Th' Sicrety iv th' Navy wants to sue thim befure th' Mattsachusetts Supreme Coort. I've heerd that th' Prisident is arrangin' a knee dhrill, with th' idee iv prayin' th' villyans to th' divvil. But these diff'rences don't count.

"An' the orf'cers av the rig'mint I was in in thim days was orfcers gran' men, wid a manner on 'em, an' a way wid 'em such as is not made these days all but wan wan o' the capt'ns. A bad dhrill, a wake voice, an' a limp leg thim three things are the signs av a bad man. You bear that in your mind, Orth'ris, me son.

Then they straightened their backs and stood squarely enough to make a very old soldier exclaim with delight, "Foine men, sorr, they'd be with me to dhrill 'um for a couple o' weeks." Poorly fed as the Orangemen were, their case was not nearly so hard as that of the military.

Betune you an' me an' Bobs, I was commandin' the company, an' that was what Cruik had thransferred me for, an' the little orf'cer bhoy knew ut, and I knew ut, but the comp'ny did not. And there, mark you, is the vartue that no money an' no dhrill can buy the vartue av the ould soldier that knows his orf'cer's work an' does ut at the salute!

Now, mind me, ould Batty, who's seen the lands; only do ye attind to dhrill an' sinthry-go an' commissariat, till in time ye find your forces in thrim again. By thin luk out fer heads stickin' up over the hills on the side o' the inimy, who'll be wonderin' what's goin' on. 'Go 'way, she says to you, an' you go. 'Come back, she whispers to herself, an' you don't hear it.

He was a bad dhrill was this Capt'n a rotten bad dhrill an' whin first I ran me eye over him, I sez to myself: "My Militia bantam!" I sez, "My cock av a Gosport dunghill" 'twas from Portsmouth he came to us "there's combs to be cut," sez I, "an' by the grace av God,'tis Terence Mulvaney will cut thim."

'An' the orf'cers av the rig'mint I was in in thim days was orf'cers gran' men, wid a manner on 'em, an' a way wid 'em such as is not made these days all but wan wan o' the capt'ns. A bad dhrill, a wake voice, an' a limp leg thim three things are the signs av a bad man. You bear that in your mind, Orth'ris, me son.

"Hould on, bhoy!" he said, with all an old policeman's fussiness over rightful procedure. "Du not touch! That is th' coroner's bizness. Did they not dhrill that inta yeh at Regina?" He stared thoughtfully at the corpse. "Dhrink an' th' divil! eyah! dhrink an' th' divil!" sadly.

He was a bad dhrill was this Capt'n a rotten bad dhrill an' whin first I ran me eye over him, I sez to myself: 'My Militia bantam! I sez, 'My cock av a Gosport dunghill' 'twas from Portsmouth he came to us 'there's combs to be cut, sez I, 'an' by the grace av God, 'tis Terence Mulvaney will cut thim.