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The paragraph which has the post of honour is headed "Oficial," and has in it a flavour of the Court Newsman. "S. M. la Reina y sus augustos hijos continúan tambien sin novedad en su importante salud." "Her Majesty the Queen and her august children also continue without alteration in their precious health."

There is a preface equally unclaimed by signatures or initials, but as it is in the singular number the two hommes de bouche can scarcely have written it; perchance it was M. Barba aforesaid, lord-proprietor of these not-to-be-touched treasures; but anyhow the writer had a very solemn feeling of the debt which he had conferred on society by making the contents public for the twelfth time, and he concludes with a mixture of sentiments, which it is very difficult to define: "Dans la paix de ma conscience, non moins que dans l'orgueil d'avoir si honorablement rempli cette importante mission, je m'ecrierai avec le poete des gourmands et des amoureux: "Exegi monumentum aere perennius Non omnis moriar."

M. CLEMENCEAU: Je comprends tout cela dans mes trois mots, "Réparations des dommages." Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH: Et serbe.... M. HYMANS: Et belge.... M. SONNINO: Et italienne aussi.... M. HOUSE: Puisqu'est une question importante pour tous, je propose l'addition de M. Clemenceau.

«§ 920. Je reviens aux observations. Il en est une très importante pour la théorie de la terre, dont on peut du haut du Cramont apprécier la valeur, mieux que d'aucun autre site; je veux parler de la fameuse observation de Bourguet sur la correspondance des angles saillans avec les angles rentrans des vallées. J'ai a déj

It was on the "French side" of the paper. "Annoncement." "Vente importante des Negres!" Yes it was they. The announcement was no surprise to me. I expected as much. I turned to the translation on the reverse page, in order to comprehend it more clearly. There it was in all its broad black meaning: "Important Sale of Negroes!" I read on: "Estate in Bankruptcy. Plantation Besancon!" "Poor Eugenie!"

As a school for the French student, however, the theatre is a useful institution. For French has got to be learned somehow or other. A dancing master of my acquaintance used always to commence his course by a short address to his class in which he remarked: "Mesdemoiselles! La chose la plus importante du monde c'est la danse!"

We soon learn to echo Rochefoucauld's words as he entered Mazarin's carriage, 'everything happens in France; and, like Goethe, cast ourselves on the waves of accident with a more than Quixotic presage, if not of actual adventure, at least of adventurous observation; for it is a realm where Fashion, the capricious tyrant of modern civilization, has her birth, where the 'vielle femme remplissait une mission importante et tutelaire pour tous les âges; where the raconteur exists not less in society than in literature; the elysium of the scholar, the nucleus of opinion, the arena of pleasure, and the head-quarters of experiment, scientific, political, artistic, and social.

Mock not nor Jest at anything of Importance break no Jest that are Sharp Biting, and if you Deliver anything witty and Pleasent abtain from Laughing thereat yourself. Ne vous amusez point aux equiuoques ny en matiere importante, ny en choses honteuses. Si vous trouuez bon de railler, gardez vous bien de mordre, & bien plus de déchirer comme un chien.

Il y a plusieurs tableaux remarquables, entre autres une Venus de Leighton que je trouve superbe. La contribution de Landseer est importante, c'est un portrait de la Reine, a cheval, en deuil; cheval noir, trois chiens noirs, groom noir, ciel noir. "C'est agreable de rentrer le soir en pleine campagne; ca me fait du bien.

DON EDUARDO. Que está a dos pasos de aquí, en la calle de Cantarranas. DOÑA MATILDE. Por lo mismo ha hecho usted bien en afeitarse y en ... mas a lo menos trataremos de recuperar el tiempo perdido. ¿Bruno? BRUNO. ¿Señorita? DOÑA MATILDE. Anda, y dile a papá que el Sr. D. Eduardo de Contreras desea hablarle de una materia muy importante. BRUNO. No creo que el amo se haya despertado todavía.