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She gave me a bitter glanse. "I never knew it to fail!" she said. "Just as everything is fixed, and we're recovering from you're being here for the Holadays, you come back and stir up a lot of trouble. What brought you, anyhow?" "Meazles." She snached up her ball gown. "Very well," she said. "I'll see that you're quarentined, Miss Barbara, all right.

I then saw a Soldier in the door, and could not beleive that it was Carter Brooks, until he saluted and said: "Captain, I have come to report. Owing to the end of the Easter Holadays the Girls' Aviation Corps " I could no longer be silent. I cried: "Oh, Carter!" So he came into the room and turned round, saying: "Some soldier, eh?"

But, dear child, won't you write at once and tell me why the waist, bust and hip measurements? And the request to have them really low in the neck? Ever thine, CARTER. It will be perceived that I had sent him the letter to mother, by mistake. I was very unhappy about it. It was not an auspisious way to begin the Holadays, especially the low neck.

But there's only one Harold Valentine, and now you've got him pinned to the wall! I'll tell you what I'll do, Barbara. I'm a real friend of yours. Always have been. Always will be. The chances are against the Familey letting him get this letter. I'll give it to him." "GIVE it to him?" "Why, he's here. You know that, don't you? He's in town over the holadays." "Oh, no!" I said in a gasping Voice.

But I must confess that to me, after ten dollars a month at school, it seemed a large sum. I had but just returned for the summer holadays, and the Familey was having a counsel about me. They always have a counsel when I come home, and mother makes a list, begining with the Dentist. "I should make it a Thousand," she said to father. "The child is in shameful condition.

Do you feel to grown-up to sit on my knee?" I did not. APRIL 9TH. As I am leaving this School to-morrow for the Easter Holadays, I revert to this Dairy, which has not been written in for some months, owing to being a Senior now and carrying a heavy schedule. My trunk has now gone, and I have but just returned from Chapel, where Miss Everett made a Speach, as the Head has quinzy.

"Now see here, Miss Bab, you've just come Home, and there was trouble at your last vacation that I'm like to remember to my dieing day. You tell me how those things got there, like a good girl, and I'll say nothing about them." I am naturaly sweet in disposition, but to call me a good girl and remind me of last Xmas holadays was too much. My natural firmness came to the front.

She must not be married to anyone, therfore, whom she did not love or at least respect. I would not doom her to be unhappy. Now I have a qualaty which is well known at school, and frequently used to obtain holadays and so on. It may be Magnatism, it may be Will. I have a very strong Will, having as a child had a way of lying on the floor and kicking my feet if thwarted.

It was with anticapatory joy, therefore, that I sent the acceptances and the desired measurements, and sat down to cheerfully while away the time in studies and the various duties of school life, until the Holadays.