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For a number of years he edited the international review, Auf der Hohe, at Leipzig, but later removed to Paris, for he was always strongly Francophile. His last years he spent at Lindheim in Hesse, Germany, where he died on March 9, 1895.

The old general was of a different type from the fire-eating dandies who played the master at Azan. He listened courteously and gravely. There was a picture in his mind of the old timbered house in the Hohe Venn, where he had spent four years in retirement before the war called him back to the colors.

We were travelling quickly, and, the dust being troublesome, we pulled up, and then, after all four of us goggling, went forward again. After tea at the Golden Höhe Mr. Gibbs again evinced a keen interest in the car, examining it carefully, and declaring it to be a most excellent one.

The Guardian assures you of his prayers in your behalf, that every obstacle may be removed from your path, and your actions be both guided and confirmed.... P.S. In your letter of February 3rd; the maps attached; and your letter of February 7th, you refer to Steinbacher Hohe as No. C. while in your letter of February 5th, you refer to it as No.

There I met my friends again, and parted from them and the Dolomites the next day, with regret. For they were "stepping westward;" but in order to get to the Gross-Venediger I must make a detour to the east, through the Pusterthal, and come up through the valley of the Isel to the great chain of mountains called the Hohe Tauern.

Er war ein vortrefflicher and liebwürdiger & every way delightful alte gentleman. Däfur gefelligt Ihnen furnish me one. Meine Beschreibung ist vollenden: Geborn 1835; 5 Fuss 8 ein wenig unter, sometimes ein wenig oben; dunkel braun Haar und rhotes Moustache, full Gesicht, mit sehr hohe Oren and leicht grau practvolles strahlenden Augen und ein Verdammtes gut moral character.

B. So that all documents may have the same reference, I have changed your letter of February 5th, to show Steinbacher Hohe, as No. C.; and Forsthausstrasse as No. 3 April 1954 Dear Bahá’í Friends: The beloved Guardian is very anxious to have full information concerning the pioneers in the virgin areas of the Ten-Year Crusade.

He had hard work in weaning Portlaw from his Rhine castles, for the other invariably met his objections by quoting in awful German: "Hast du das Schloss gesehen Das hohe Schloss am Meer?" pronounced precisely as though the words were English.

The citizen guard, a stately body of burghers, rides out with the king on this day of all the year, and comes caracoling by in fine style, he in the midst bowing and smiling. And now, after the Herrschaften hohe and höchste come the animals.

"Seriously, Mada," he said after a moment but there was no answering seriousness in his face, which mocked as usual. "Seriously, now, I suppose you wouldn't admit what this DRESSUR, this HOHE SCHULE Guest is going through, might be of service to him in the end?" "No, indeed, I wouldn't," she answered hotly. "You talk as if he were a circus-horse.