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"Well, well, lad; even so be it; I ask no questions no man bound to tell on himsell that's fair play, or the devil's in't." Rashleigh here came to my assistance; but I could not help thinking that his arguments were calculated rather as hints to his father to put on a show of acquiescence in my declaration of innocence, than fully to establish it.

But I am come back, nae thanks to him, or them that employed him; and the question is, how the collector loon is to win back himsell I promise him it will not be without a ransom." "Morris," said I, "has already paid the last ransom which mortal man can owe." "Eh! What?" exclaimed my companion hastily; "what d'ye say? I trust it was in the skirmish he was killed?"

Wha kens whals listening! Eh! gude guide us, what's yon! Hout, it's just a branch of ivy flightering awa frae the wa'; when the moon was in, it lookit unco like a dead man's arm wi' a taper in't I thought it was Misticot himsell. But never mind, work you away fling the earth weel up by out o' the gate Od, if ye're no as clean a worker at a grave as Win Winnet himsell!

Indeed, ye 'll no hinder some to thread that it was nane o' the auld Enemy that Dougal and Hutcheon saw in the laird's room, but only that wanchancie creature the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird's whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better.

Flockhart, replied the Gael. 'And will ye face thae tearing chields, the dragoons, Ensign Maccombich? again inquired the landlady. 'Claw for claw, as Conan said to Satan, Mrs. Flockhart, and the deevil tak the shortest nails. 'And will the colonel venture on the bagganets himsell? 'Ye may swear it, Mrs. Flockhart; the very first man will he be, by Saint Phedar.

Look at him there, the muckle slabber," and she pointed to Gilmour, who was standing with a red-lowering, downcast face, "look at him! A man of that size to even himsell to a wean!" "He deserved a' he got," said Gilmour sullenly. "His mother spoils him, at ony rate. And I'm damned if the best Gourlay that ever dirtied leather's gaun to trample owre me."

"I dinna ken," said Jenny, after a moment's consideration, "unless it be Guse Gibbie; and he'll maybe no ken the way, though it's no sae difficult to hit, if he keep the horse-road, and mind the turn at the Cappercleugh, and dinna drown himsell in the Whomlekirn-pule, or fa' ower the scaur at the Deil's Loaning, or miss ony o' the kittle steps at the Pass o' Walkwary, or be carried to the hills by the whigs, or be taen to the tolbooth by the red-coats."

Thus, in the collapse of his fortunes, the son grew all-important in the father's eyes. Nor did his own poverty seem to him a just bar to his son's prosperity. "I have put him through his Arts," thought Gourlay; "surely he can do the rest himsell. Lots of young chaps, when they warstle through their Arts, teach the sons of swells to get a little money to gang through Diveenity.

Weft began his tale, how he had been collared and weel nigh thrappled in his ain shop; then the ither tauld how, in the first place, Mr. Weft's grandfather, as he ca'd Nosey, had stolen his note, and how, in the second place, Mr. Weft himsell had insulted the great, grand Duke of Argyle.

And he proceeded, without very much exaggeration, to detail, in his own way, the meeting they had with the mysterious being at Mucklestane-Moor, concluding, he could not conjecture what on earth it could be, unless it was either the Enemy himsell, or some of the auld Peghts that held the country lang syne.