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There was a pause and a whisper among the crowd 'Secretary Murray' 'Lord Lewis Gordon' 'Maybe the Chevalier himsell! Such were the surmises that passed hurriedly among them, and there was obviously an increased disposition to resist Waverley's departure. He attempted to argue mildly with them, but his voluntary ally, Mrs.

"Well, all dat is vary well but get you on with your stories, mine goot friend," said Dousterswivel. "Aweel, ye see," continued the mendicant, "this was a job in the auld times o' rugging and riving through the hale country, when it was ilka ane for himsell, and God for us a' when nae man wanted property if he had strength to take it, or had it langer than he had power to keep it.

'Lord sake, madam, I ask your pardon, he said. 'I forgot but ye had been a bairn o' my ain; the Captain's sae namely, he gars ane forget himsell. Old Pleydell now advanced. 'Nay, if fees like these are going, he said 'Stop, stop, Mr. Pleydell, said Julia, 'you had your fees beforehand; remember last night.

"Hear till him now!" said Ochiltree, "he kens how to gar folk find out the gear Od, I'm thinking he's been drilled that way himsell some day."

And, Reuben, when ye do win to the speech o' him, mind a' the auld man's bits o' ways, for Jeanie's sake; and dinna speak o' Latin or English terms to him, for he's o' the auld warld, and downa bide to be fashed wi' them, though I daresay he may be wrang. And dinna ye say muckle to him, but set him on speaking himself, for he'll bring himsell mair comfort that way.

Sae he sat himsell doun and hirselled doun into the glen, where it wad hae been ill following him wi' the beast, and I cam back to Charlie's Hope to tell the gudewife, for I was uncertain what to do. It wad look unco-like, I thought, just to be sent out on a hunt-the-gowk errand wi' a landlouper like that.

"Truly ay, sir; and he saw Claver'se himsell, that they ca' Dundee now." "What!" exclaimed Morton, in amazement; "I would have sworn that meeting would have been the last of one of their lives." "Na, na, sir; in troubled times, as I understand," said Mrs. Maclure, "there's sudden changes, Montgomery and Ferguson and mony ane mair that were King James's greatest faes are on his side now.

'Your honour sees I went down to yon place that your honour spoke o', that's kept by her that your honour kens o', by the sea-side. So says she, "What are you wanting here? ye'll be come wi' a broom in your pocket frae Ellangowan?" So says I, "Deil a broom will come frae there awa, for ye ken," says I, "his honour Ellangowan himsell in former times "

Na, na ye may hew down the tree, but ye canna change its bend And, O Jeanie, if ye wad do good to me at this moment, tell me every word that he said, and whether he was sorry for poor Effie or no!" "What needs I tell ye onything about it?" said Jeanie. "Ye may be sure he had ower muckle to do to save himsell, to speak lang or muckle about ony body beside."

But Willie's lowland bred, poor fallow, and soon frighted for himsell And, for the worricows, were we to meet ane on this very bit " "As is not unlikely," said young Earnscliff, "for there stands your old witch, Hobbie."