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But a wife of the lower orders, active in her husband's affairs, has not been trained to dissemble so prettily; though her face be a mask, what she is wondering comes out in her eye. There was suspicion in the big round stare that Mrs. Wilson directed at the builder. What was he spiering for "himsell" for? What could he be up to? Some end of his own, no doubt.

'Your honour sees I went down to yon place that your honour spoke o', that's kept by her that your honour kens o', by the sea-side. So says she, "What are you wanting here? ye'll be come wi' a broom in your pocket frae Ellangowan?" So says I, "Deil a broom will come frae there awa, for ye ken," says I, "his honour Ellangowan himsell in former times "

I may be the deevil himsell for what ye ken, for he has power to come disguised like an angel of light; and, besides, he is a prime fiddler. He played a sonata to Corelli, ye ken." There was something odd in this speech, and the tone in which it was said. It seemed as if my companion was not always in his constant mind, or that he was willing to try if he could frighten me.

Faith! but I ken'd I was clean beguiled when I heard the Duke was there; and when they strapped the horse-girth ower my arms, I might hae judged what was biding me; for I ken'd your kinsman, being, wi' pardon, a slippery loon himself, is prone to employ those of his ain kidney I wish he mayna hae been at the bottom o' the ploy himsell I thought the chield Morris looked devilish queer when I determined he should remain a wad, or hostage, for my safe back-coming.

We were tauld the loon threw himsell into the Thames in a fit of desperation. There's enow of them behind there was mair tint on Flodden-edge." "You have been told a budget of lies, so far as I am concerned, Sir Mungo," said Nigel, speaking loud and sternly. "Vera likely vera likely," said the unabashed and undismayed Sir Mungo; "naething but lies are current in the circle.

"And then," quo' he, "ye'll be ill-sorted to hear that he's like to be in the prison at Portanferry, if he disna tak a' the better care o' himsell, for there's been warrants out to tak him as soon as he comes ower the water frae Allonby.

Faith! but I ken'd I was clean beguiled when I heard the Duke was there; and when they strapped the horse-girth ower my arms, I might hae judged what was biding me; for I ken'd your kinsman, being, wi' pardon, a slippery loon himself, is prone to employ those of his ain kidney I wish he mayna hae been at the bottom o' the ploy himsell I thought the chield Morris looked devilish queer when I determined he should remain a wad, or hostage, for my safe back-coming.

"Killing his faither?" said the baker, with a quick look. "What do you mean?" "Mean? Ou, I just mean what the doctor says! Gourlay was that mad at the drucken young swine that he got the 'plexies, fell aff the ladder, and felled himsell deid! That's what I mean, no less!" said Toddle, nettled at the sharp question. "Ay, man! That accounts for't," said Tam Wylie.

Francis! why, he was a fighting fule, man, a mere fighting fule, got himsell ta'en at Pavia, like our ain David at Durham lang syne; if they could hae sent him Solomon's wit, and love of peace, and godliness, they wad hae dune him a better turn. But Solomon should sit in other gate company than Francis of France." "I trust that such will be his good fortune," said Heriot.

I am sure, had I been to undergo ony thing of that nature, that's to say that's beyond nature I would hae skreigh'd out at once, and raised the house, be the consequence what liket and, I dare say, the minister wad hae done as mickle, and sae I hae tauld him, I ken naebody but my brother, Monkbarns himsell, wad gae through the like o't, if, indeed, it binna you, Mr. Lovel." "A man of Mr.