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Her old boilers leaked, and in a sea-way her old seams gaped, and what between keeping steam up and her bilge pumped out, Harty and Pete could hardly find time to brace their feet whenever she attempted, as she did about every fifteen seconds, to heave them across the floor.

"Say, Bud, I don't see you logging any record-breaking runs for home. "Blast it! I've got no home." "Well, who has?" "But " Harty took the spare pack which he had been riffling and slammed it down on the table "there's men who've got homes good homes who're going to their death to sea to-night." "What's the matter, Bud? Sit down. Sure there are.

And they had put out in the Whist, and now down in the combined engine and fire-room of her were Harty and old Pete toiling to keep steam up. A notorious little craft, the Whist, one of those legacies which sometimes fall to the Service; the department always going to fix her up, and always putting it off until the next appropriation.

Charles Marchant, Brendan Rogers, Dr. Jozé, and Professor Buck; writers like Mrs. Curwen, Dr. Annie Patterson, Mrs. Milligan Fox, Professor Mahaffy, A.P. Graves, Dr. Collison, and G.B. Shaw; and conductors like Hamilton Harty and James Glover. By DIARMID GOFFEY. From the earliest times in the history of western Europe Ireland has been renowned for her work in metal.

She only goes out under orders from the commandant, remember. And the commandant, he's on leave, visitin' his married daughter somewhere over Christmas." "And a G.C.M., too, wouldn't it, Baldwin?" put in the man called Bo, "without orders." Harty whirled on Bo. "Who the hell gave you a rating to butt in on this? Orders? To hell with their orders, and to hell with their general court-martials.

"Hollow Rock County. N. Y. 17 Jewly. 18 MR. HARKABUS dear Sir. a cording to promis i send the sneak by Xpress. He is the Largest and wust Sneak we have ketched In these parts. Bit a cow wich died in 2.40 likeways her calf of fright. Hope the sneak weed growed up strong and harty. By eting and drinking of that wede the greatest sneak has no power.

This is a very harty outline of a splendid play. Go and see it Yours till then, A. Ward. Sparkling with genuine fun and bristling with pungent satire, this is an epitome of Artemus Ward's most genial humour and of his keenly sarcastic truth.

I Set out early with 16 men and 3 Canoes for the Elk, proceed up the River three miles and thence up a large Creek from the right about 3 miles the hite of the tide water drew up the Canoes and all hands went out in three different parties and brought in to the Canoe each Man a quarter of Elk, I Sent them out for a Second load and had Some of the first Cooked against their return, after eateing a harty diner dispatched the party for a third and last load, about half the men missed their way and did not get to the Canoes untill after Dark, and Serjt.

Bowen, with a life-line under his arms was already over the side. But his plunge fell short. Nelson heard a sound as of a man's voice smothering, saw a hand raised and lowered, and then into the tossing blackness the lone figure was swept. Nelson hauled Bowen aboard. When he recovered his first word was, "God, Nelson, that was Harty!" "Harty, wass it? I don't know him, but he was one goot man."

An' more than all right. As for that, it's a damn poor specimen' that ain't all right when it comes to a show-down. I've known Bud I can't remember when I didn't know Bud Harty. And, Bowen, he was a better man than you or me. Bud always let you see the worst of himself, but you had to guess at the best of him.