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Coincident with this signal came a cheerful riffling sound as the Filbertines broke out their large umbrellas of panjandrus leaves which we had first mistaken for weapons. Warfare with its cruel attributes had never penetrated their isolation. With nations as with people, it takes two to make a quarrel.

The breeze and the sun played with the prairie grasses, the breeze riffling them over, and the sun silvering their under surfaces thus exposed. It was strangely peaceful, and one almost expected to hear the hum of bees as in a New England orchard. In it all was no sign of life. "We'd get lost," she said, finally. "Oh, no, we wouldn't!" he asserted with all the eagerness of the amateur plainsman.

The switching of the brush against the elk's dun sides startled the little black bear, who was still riffling his bee tree. The children watched him rise inquiringly to his haunches before he scrambled down the trail out of sight. "Lots of those fellows about in my day," said the Mound-Builder. "We used to go for them in the fall when they grew fat on the dropping nuts and acorns. Elk, too.

He had quietly witnessed, at Algeciras, the Prince's adroit card "riffling" in the sun-parlors of The Reina Cristina, when the gouty ex-ambassador to Persia had parted company with many cumbersome dollars. Durkin's only course, in that time of adversity and humility, had been one of silence.

Somewhere in the timber of the bridge a bloodthirsty little frog cried sharply. Freckles muttered: "It's worse than that Black Jack swore to do to me, little fellow." A muskrat waddled down the bank and swam for the swamp, its pointed nose riffling the water into a shining trail in its wake.

He reached into a pocket and pulled out a money roll, riffling the ends of the bills between thumb and forefinger to let me see that the denominations were all comfortably large. There was something instantly suggestive in the bit of braggadocio; a feeling that I had seen somebody do that same thing in exactly that same way once before.

"Say, Bud, I don't see you logging any record-breaking runs for home. "Blast it! I've got no home." "Well, who has?" "But " Harty took the spare pack which he had been riffling and slammed it down on the table "there's men who've got homes good homes who're going to their death to sea to-night." "What's the matter, Bud? Sit down. Sure there are.

The marauders were out riffling the bodies as they lay on the field, and Jack had brained one of these gentry with the club-end of his musket, who had eased Esmond of his hat and periwig, his purse, and fine silver-mounted pistols which the Dowager gave him, and was fumbling in his pockets for further treasure, when Jack Lockwood came up and put an end to the scoundrel's triumph.

He could hear the tinkle of waters down the ledges on his right; and the little flutter of wind riffling through the Pass sucking up the mists forewarned dawn. He had climbed the roll of stone slowly, picking each step, for, perhaps, two-hundred feet, when that trail sense of feel made him stoop to examine the ground.

Only the cold unseasonable wind which swept down the course, riffling the water and chilling every one to the bone, marred the day. They arrived at the starting point, and the occupants of the new cars wrapped what little they had around them. Quite obviously, the race could not be rowed until the wind died. There was nothing to do but just sit and wait.