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Thus he reached the village of Hardington, which he quickly cleared, and took the well-defined road to Bewley a road adorned with milestones and set out with a liberal horse-track at either side.

Some were rather bloody to be sure, and a few carried scraps of game, which fastidious masters would as soon have seen them without; but neither Sir Harry nor his huntsman cared about appearances. On clearing the lodges, and passing about a quarter of a mile on the Hardington road, hedge-rows ceased, and they came upon Farleyfair Downs, across which Mr.

'From here to Hardington will be, say, eight miles; from Hardington to Bewley, other five; eight and five are thirteen; and there, I should say, he might sleep. That would leave ten or twelve miles for the morning; nothing for a hack hunter; 'specially such a horse as that, and one that's done nothing for I don't know how long. Altogether, Mr.

The perplexing series of terraces overlooking the church are all that remains of a fantastic scheme of his to build a mansion which, like his wife and horse, should be the most beautiful thing of its kind in the world. But L'homme propose...; Lord Stawell never got any further than these embankments. The church is modern. Hamdon Hill. See Stoke, East. Hardington, a hamlet 5 m. N.W. of Frome.

The church is a small building with a W. tower. In the neighbourhood is Hardington Park. Hardington-Mandeville, a village 4-1/2 m. S.W. of Yeovil. The church was rebuilt in 1864, but retains some ancient features, including a good Norm. arch and font, and a Jacobean pulpit. Harptree, East, a village on a spur of the Mendips, 6 m. N. from Wells.

'How far do you make it, then? asked Leather, tucking in the beef. 'Why, from here to Hardington is about six, and from Hardington to Bewley, four ten in all, replied Sponge. 'You can stay at Bewley all night, and then it is but a few miles on in the morning. 'And whativer am I to do for clothin'? asked Leather, adding, 'I've nothin' with me nothin' nouther for oss nor man.