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It was plain that they dared not stay; but this seemed to be my chance. The men had many times looked hard at me, but as I was speaking with the priest, dared not question me as they would. So having seen this, I said: "I am a stranger from beyond the Mendips, and lost my way last night coming back from Brent.

Beautiful beyond all words of description that nook of oldest England; but that I feared the moist and misty winter climate, I should have chosen some spot below the Mendips for my home and resting-place.

Hinton Blewitt, a small and secluded village, 4 m. S.W. from Clutton. The church is Perp., with a fair W. tower. It possesses a stoup and a rather poor piscina. The village, which is on the slope of a hill, commands a pleasant view of the Mendips. Hinton Charterhouse, a small village 6 m. S. of Bath, on the more easterly of the alternative roads from the city to Frome.

If they started from Bath about nine that would give them an ample margin of time in which to deal with a puncture or any such misadventure. They crested the Mendips above Shepton Mallet, ran through Tilchester and Ilminster into the lovely hill country about Up-Ottery and so to Honiton and the broad level road to Exeter.

Then do you see B. With a notch in it? That means these limestone hills on the shoulder of the Mendips; and that notch is the gorge of the Avon which we have steamed through. And what is that black above it? That is the coal, a few miles off, marked C. And what is this D, which comes next? That is what we are on now. New red sandstone, lying unconformably on the coal.

The Mendips contain other pretty glens and gorges, and from the summit of their cliffs can be seen the valley of the Axe winding away southward, while to the westward the scene broadens into the level plains that border the Bristol Channel, guarded on either side by the hills of Exmoor and of Wales.

"More I see of this engine the more I like it What's your h.p.?" asked the man, who clearly regarded the Mercury's driver as a brother in the craft. "Looks a sixty, every inch. I wonder if you could hold my car at Brooklands?" "Perhaps not, but I may give you some dust to swallow over the Mendips." The chauffeur grinned.

The centre of this once formidable military position is now incongruously occupied by a farm-house. The view from the citadel or beacon across Taunton Dean is far-reaching and exhilarating. The outlook on the other side is circumscribed by the high ground beyond. Castle of Comfort, a lonely public-house on the top of the Mendips, standing by the side of the Bristol and Wells road.

The effects have now been accurately described: one of the shocks lasted two seconds; the other, from ten to twelve seconds, accompanied by a rumbling noise. The line of disturbance was from north to south, striking the Mendips, and traversing parts of the shires of Somerset and Gloucester.

The most remarkable deposit of these bones is in the Wookey Hole, on the southern edge of the Mendips, about two miles from Wells. At the head of a short and picturesque glen, beneath an ivy-festooned cliff, is a cavern whence the river Axe issues and flows down the glen.