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The ministry of finance forecasts a rise in the country's GDP from 59 percent to 70 percent of the European Union's output in 2005 comparable to Slovenia and far above Poland with a mere 40 percent. The Czech Republic is preparing itself to join the eurozone shortly after it becomes a member of the EU in May 2004. Foreign investors are gung ho.

But whoever has performed no great deeds, let him hold his tongue!" Then Gung Sun Dsia beat upon his sword, rose up and said: "I am the prince's captain general. In the South I besieged the kingdom of Lu, in the West I conquered the kingdom of Dsin, in the North I captured the army of Yan. All the princes of the East come to the Duke's court and acknowledge the overlordship of Tsi.

Then Gung Sun Dsia rose, bowed twice, and said with a sigh: "Both my merit and that of Tian Kai Giang does not compare with Gu I Dsi's and yet the peaches were given us. We have been rewarded beyond our deserts, and such reward is shameful. Hence it is better to die than to live dishonored!" He took his sword and swung it, and his own head rolled on the sand.

Among those whom he attached to him were three of quite extraordinary bravery. The first was named Gung Sun Dsia, the second Tian Kai Giang, the third Gu I Dsi. All three were highly honored by the prince, but the honor paid them made them presumptuous, they kept the court in a turmoil, and overstepped the bounds of respect which lie between a prince and his servants.

Further Additions to Roll of Honor As the Holy Year expires I am overjoyed to announce to the assembled believers no less than thirteen additions to the Roll of Honor since transmission of the last message to the Conference a week ago: Clair Gung, Southern Rhodesia; Ursula von Brunn, Frisian Islands; Richard Nolen and family, Azores; Katherine Meyer, Margarita Island; Geraldine Craney, Hebrides; Fawzi Zeinolabedin and family, Spanish Morocco; Manouchihr Hezari, Morocco, International Zone; Earle Render, Leeward Islands; Ted Cardell, Southwest Africa; William Danjon, Andorra; Fred and Jean Allen, Cape Breton Island; Frederick and Elizabeth Laws, Basutoland; Amín Batt, Rió de Oro.

Some of the volcanoes of Java are constantly in eruption, while others are inactive. One of their number, Galung Gung, was previous to 1822 covered from top to bottom with a dense forest; around it were populous villages.

Here Joseph and Mary walk together hand in hand. He looks at her, just touching her fingers with an air of tender veneration; she looks down, serenely modest. Thus they return together to their humble home; and with this scene closes the first part of the life of the Virgin Mary. Ital. L' Annunciazione. La B. Vergine Annunziata. Fr. L'Annonciation. La Salutation Angélique. Ger. Die Verkündi gung.