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Davilow when Gwendolen and Grandcourt joined the rest of the party. "It is all coquetting," thought Grandcourt; "the next time I beckon she will come down." It seemed to him likely that this final beckoning might happen the very next day, when there was to be a picnic archery meeting in Cardell Chase, according to the plan projected on the evening of the ball.

But when the right wing of the Prussians was broken, Ney cheering his soldiers by shouting, "My children, the victory is ours!" he deemed it time to take a hand, and ordered General Cardell, his artillery chief, to support the Prussians. Cardell won the day by a brilliant stratagem.

If it had not been for that day in Cardell Chase, she said to herself now, there would have been no obstacle to her marrying Grandcourt. On that day and after it, she had not reasoned and balanced; she had acted with a force of impulse against which all questioning was no more than a voice against a torrent.

It was a slight drawback on her pleasure in starting that the rector was detained by magistrate's business, and would probably not be able to get to Cardell Chase at all that day. She cared little that Mrs. Gascoigne and Anna chose not to go without him, but her uncle's presence would have seemed to make it a matter of course that the decision taken would be acted on.

Further Additions to Roll of Honor As the Holy Year expires I am overjoyed to announce to the assembled believers no less than thirteen additions to the Roll of Honor since transmission of the last message to the Conference a week ago: Clair Gung, Southern Rhodesia; Ursula von Brunn, Frisian Islands; Richard Nolen and family, Azores; Katherine Meyer, Margarita Island; Geraldine Craney, Hebrides; Fawzi Zeinolabedin and family, Spanish Morocco; Manouchihr Hezari, Morocco, International Zone; Earle Render, Leeward Islands; Ted Cardell, Southwest Africa; William Danjon, Andorra; Fred and Jean Allen, Cape Breton Island; Frederick and Elizabeth Laws, Basutoland; Amín Batt, Rió de Oro.

Grandcourt had not been altogether displeased by Gwendolen's running away from the splendid chance he was holding out to her. The act had some piquancy for him. He liked to think that it was due to resentment of his careless behavior in Cardell Chase, which, when he came to consider it, did appear rather cool.

Gwendolen and Grandcourt paused to join the group, and found that the voting turned on the project of a picnic archery meeting to be held in Cardell Chase, where the evening entertainment would be more poetic than a ball under, chandeliers a feast of sunset lights along the glades and through the branches and over the solemn tree-tops.

"Yes, and you had better know too, that you may judge of the influence you have over her if she swallows her reasons and accepts you. For my own part I would take odds against it. She saw Lydia in Cardell Chase and heard the whole story." Grandcourt made no immediate answer, and only went on smoking.

Cardell Goodman, popularly called Scum Goodman, a knave more abandoned, if possible, than Porter, was in the plot. Goodman had been on the stage, had been kept, like some much greater men, by the Duchess of Cleveland, had been taken into her house, had been loaded by her with gifts, and had requited her by bribing an Italian quack to poison two of her children.

Private Kahnweiler was left sick at Munfordville, Sergt. James Cardell, at Harrodsburg. Private Wooley and Bates missing after Perryville, supposed to have been killed. At Camp Dick Robinson, we buried some cannons in an apple orchard inscribed with Spanish to prevent the Yankees getting them.