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"Luck, does ye call it, to have your head cracked and your shins smashed by the copper-skins, chawed up by the b'ars, froze to death in the mountains, drowned in the rivers that run into the top of yer shanty when yer sound asleep your feet gnawed off by wolverines, as they call and but whisht! don't talk to me of luck, and all the time ye never gets a sight of a particle of gowld."

Hello!" as the big fellow on the pile of gunnies got up and waved his hat. Mac leaned over the rail, saying gruffly, "That you, Colonel?" trying, as the Boss of the Big Chimney saw "tryin' his darndest not to look pleased," and all the while O'Flynn was waving his hat and howling with excitement: "How's the gowld? How's yersilf?"

But shure he would not disthress me by saying aught agin my mother's son. Did he not break his heart, and turn him dying an' pinniless on the wide world? An' could he have done worse had he stuck a knife into his heart?" "Ah!" she continued, with bitterness, "it was the gowld, the dhirty gowld, that kilt my poor bhoy.

As that magnate did not distinctly say "No" indeed, walked off making conversation with the engineer twenty hands helped the new passenger to get Nig and the canoe on board. "Well, got a gold-mine?" asked Potts. "Yes, sir." "Where's the Colonel?" Mac rasped out, with his square jaw set for judgment. "Colonel's all right at Minóok. We've got a gold-mine apiece." "Anny gowld in 'em?"

"And did they know he was a bad man and would bate you?" "I don't think they knew," said Phil, with hesitation. "My mother did not know." "I've got three childer myself," said Bridget; "they'll get wet comin' home from school, the darlints but I wouldn't let them go with any man to a far country, if he'd give me all the gowld in the world. And where does that man live that trates you so bad?"

Sure, the counthry won't be able to do widout loans, an' who'll lind ye money wid an Irish Parlimint?" "Why would we want money whin there's gowld to be had for the diggin', av we got lave to dig it?" said the man of Monivea.

"Begorrah, but he shpakes the truth. I wint up among the mountains to hunt gowld." "And what luck had you?" "Luck, is it?" repeated the Irishman, with an expression of ludicrous disgust.

I 'udn't have no keeping company in my house, no, not for gowld untowld, I 'udn't; but the sperrit of mun to see whether mun would be true or not, you'd like to know that, now, 'udn't you, my darling?" Rose sighed, and stirred the ashes about vehemently. "I must first know who it is to be. If you could show me that now " "Oh, I can show ye that, tu, I can.

An' ever since thin the place is goin' down, down, down, an' no one knows what will be the ind iv it. 'Tis all the fault of the English Governmint. The counthry is full of gowld mines, an' silver mines, an' copper mines, an' we're not allowed to work thim. Divil a lie I spake. The Government wouldn't allow us to bore for coal.

Sure, we're towld by thim that knows all about it, men that's grate scholars an' can spake out iligant. Why wouldn't we be allowed to sink a coal mine in our own counthry? Why wouldn't we be allowed to get the gowld that's all through the mountains? 'Tis the English that wants iverything for thimsilves, an' makes us all starvin' paupers intirely."