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Securing our animals, we followed the trail on foot for some distance, when Jerry called my attention to a number of fresh tracks in the earth. "Antelope tracks," said I. "No they ain't neither; you must guess again. Them's havilina tracks." "What are they?" inquired I. "Them's hogs," replied Jerry; "wild Mexican hogs, and the darndest, ugliest critters on the plains, ef you git 'em riled.

"You tarnation critturs!" he at last bawled, with the accents of one driven to desperation, "if there a'n't no dodging you, then there a'n't. Here's for you, you everlasting varmints due your darndest!"

Hello!" as the big fellow on the pile of gunnies got up and waved his hat. Mac leaned over the rail, saying gruffly, "That you, Colonel?" trying, as the Boss of the Big Chimney saw "tryin' his darndest not to look pleased," and all the while O'Flynn was waving his hat and howling with excitement: "How's the gowld? How's yersilf?"

He added aloud, "Stop kicking about your old sixth hole! You've had the darndest luck I ever saw, and yet you grumble." Booverman swore under his breath, hastily approached his ball, drove perfectly, and turned in a rage. "Luck?" he cried furiously. "Pickings, I've a mind to wring your neck. Every shot I've played has been dead on the pin, now, hasn't it?"

Tom bellowed, "you are the darndest critter, when you do git goin now hold on, do I wants some rum, and Forester here looks a kind of white about the gills, his what-d'ye-call, cheeroot, has made him sick, I reckon!"

It is the body's magnificent healing effort working on your behalf, and for doing it your body deserves lots of "well done", "good body" thoughts rather than gnashing of teeth and thinking what did I do to deserve this. The body won't tell you what you did to deserve this, but it knows and is trying its darndest to undo it. The Unrelenting Boredom Of Fasting

Linda's eyes opened wide and dewy with surprise and pleasure. "Why, you two perfectly nice men!" she said. "I haven't felt as I do this minute since I lost Daddy. It's wonderful to be taken care of. It's better than cream puffs with almond flavoring." Henry Anderson looked at Linda keenly. "You're the darndest kid!" he said.

"What have you done to 'Frozen Annie'?" he asked Cherry on one occasion. "You must have fed him a speed-ball, for I never saw a guy gear up so fast. Why, he was the darndest crape-hanger I ever met till you got him gingered up; he didn't have no more spirit than a sick kitten.

Almost at once came: "I said she was the darndest woman in the world to take things up!" The tone compelled notice, so I said "Indeed!" and "You don't say!" with a cautiously extended space between them, and tried to go on thinking. Then I knew the woman's full habit of speech was strong upon her and that one might no longer muse upon a caught trout even one to weigh well up toward four pounds.

"That brook always was the darndest place," added Bijah; then both men bestirred themselves helpfully, the former hurrying to Miss Cella while the latter brought up the cart and made a bed of hay to lay her on. "Now then, boy, you go for the doctor.