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Immense labour was often bestowed upon the mouldings of beams in these fifteenth-century houses. There was a very fine moulded beam in a farm-house in my own parish, but a recent restoration has, alas! covered it. We give some illustrations of the cornice mouldings of the Church House, Goudhurst, Kent, and of a fine Gothic door-head.

Gardener's gravestone, 34. Gaskell's "Prymer," 54. Germany, 91, 92, 95, 96. Goudhurst, 16. Goudie, G, 101. Gravediggers, 64. Graves, Dr., 100. Gravesend, 21, 34.

In a word, it was a roof catholic. And what, thought I, is paid yearly in this town for such a roof as that? I do not know; but I know of another roof at Goudhurst, in Kent, which would have cost me less than £100 a year, only I could not get it for love or money. Then is also in Lynn a Custom House not very English, but very beautiful.

Heaven knows that at that cockney boarding-school at Goudhurst we were coarse enough; the Wimblehurst youngsters had neither words nor courage for the sort of thing we used to do for our bad language, for example; but, on the other hand, they displayed a sort of sluggish, real lewdness, lewdness is the word a baseness of attitude.

The Surrey Side The Chalk Downs Guildford The Hog's Back Albury Down Archbishop Abbot St. Catharine's Chapel St. Martha's Chapel Albury Park John Evelyn Henry Drummond Aldershot Camp Leith Hill Redland's Wood Holmwood Park Dorking Weller and the Marquis of Granby Inn Deepdene Betchworth Castle The River Mole Boxhill The Fox and Hounds The Denbies Ranmore Common Battle of Dorking Wotton Church Epsom Reigate Pierrepoint House Longfield The Weald of Kent Goudhurst Bedgebury Park Kilndown Cranbrook Bloody Baker's Prison Sissinghurst Bayham Abbey Tunbridge Castle Tunbridge Wells Penshurst Sir Philip Sidney Hever Castle Anne Boleyn Knole Leeds Castle Tenterden Steeple and the Goodwin Sands Rochester Gad's Hill Chatham Canterbury Cathedral St. Thomas

In the churchyards of Hawkhurst, Benenden, Bodiam, Cranbrook, Goudhurst, and all through the Great Weald these incised stones are to be discovered by hundreds, very much of one type perhaps, but displaying nevertheless some extraordinary variations. I know of no district so fruitful of these examples as the Weald of Kent.

One main source of excitement for us was "cheeking" people in vans and carts upon the Goudhurst road; and getting myself into a monstrous white mess in the chalk pits beyond the village, and catching yellow jaundice as a sequel to bathing stark naked with three other Adamites, old Ewart leading that function, in the rivulet across Hickson's meadows, are among my memorabilia.

Goudhurst church-tower, finely located on one of the highest hills of the Wealden region, gives a grand view on all sides, especially to the southward over Mr. Beresford Hope's seat at Bedgebury Park. In this old church of St. Mary are buried the Bedgeburys and the Colepeppers.

Except through the furtive, shameful talk of my coevals at Goudhurst and Wimblehurst, I was not even warned against quite horrible dangers. My ideas were made partly of instinct, partly of a romantic imagination, partly woven out of a medley of scraps of suggestion that came to me haphazard.

Whatever we exiled urbans did at Goudhurst was touched with something, however coarse, of romantic imagination. We had read the Boys of England, and told each other stories. In the English countryside there are no books at all, no songs, no drama, no valiant sin even; all these things have never come or they were taken away and hidden generations ago, and the imagination aborts and bestialises.