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Halifax's goodness as a father, and the vague, almost superstitious interest which attached to the pale, sweet face of Muriel. Enderley was growing dreary, and we began to anticipate the cosy fireside of Longfield. "The children will all go home looking better than they came; do you not think so, Uncle Phineas? especially Muriel?"

A rare variety of the cloud-and-angel series, which are so frequent, is seen in Longfield Churchyard on the Maidstone Road. Trumpets of the speaking or musical order are frequently introduced to typify the summons to resurrection, but here we have the listener pourtrayed by the introduction of an ear-trumpet. "To Mary Davidge, died 1772, aged 69 years."

You can almost hear the tinkle of the stream. Poor old Longfield!" And I sighed, thinking we should never again have such another home. John did not answer. He had been mechanically bending aside and training into its place a long shoot of wild clematis virgin's bower, which Guy and Muriel had brought in from the fields and planted, a tiny root; it covered the whole front of the house now.

He looked as proud and pleased as a boy, in talking of the new inventions he meant to apply in cloth-weaving; and how he and his wife had agreed together to live for some years to come at little Longfield, strictly within their settled income, that all the remainder of his capital might go to the improvement of Enderley Mills and mill-people. "I shall be master of nearly a hundred, men and women.

"Leave Longfield!" she repeated again, with a bitter sigh. "Leave Longfield!" echoed the children, first the youngest, then the eldest, but rather in curiosity than regret. Edwin's keen, bright eyes were just lifted from his book, and fell again; he was not a lad of much speech, or much demonstration of any kind. "Boys, come and let us talk over the matter."

Miss Longfield sighed peevishly, as she fell back in languid obedience to this solicitous injunction; she was constantly exposing herself thus rashly to the mercy of her chronic complaints.

Consequently, our circle of associations was far more limited than that of many families holding an equal position with us on which circumstance our neighbours commented a good deal. But little we cared; no more than we had cared for the chit-chat of Norton Bury. Our whole hearts were bound up within our own home our happy Longfield.

She called him "foolish;" but smoothed down with a quiet kiss the forehead he lifted up to her as she stood beside him, looking as if she would any day have converted the whole house into fuel for his own private and particular benefit. "Little ones all in bed, of course?" "Indeed, they would have lain awake half the night those naughty boys talking of Longfield.

"Well, really I am very sorry for you, poor Miss Longfield'" I said with an effort to let my sympathy overcome my burning desire to laugh outright; "you have been very unfortunate indeed, to have contracted so many diseases at once."

This is Jim Hunter a-talkin'." Two others pushed forward, taking off their sheets and masks. They were Joe Longfield and Weston Burks. "We are t'other two," said Longfield, dryly. "The Yanks killed off too blame many o' that breed o' men fer us to begin to abuse one at this late day. Ef Westerfelt's harmed, it will be over my dead body, an' I bet I'm as hard to kill as a eel."