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"I haf better ships as the old Barang, Captain, unt in my launch alongside I haf some pags ouf goldt dust dot iss to be a wedding present for a leedle lady I know ouf py der name ouf Natalie. Yes? No? How iss it, mine childrens?" Natalie ran below, overcome with confusion. The old trader turned to Barry, his whimsical humor giving place to cold business.

Some of them even tore at the walls as if they imagined they could demolish them and get at the gringo gold. "Dot is vot goldt does for mens," philosophically remarked the German, as he gazed at the onrush, firing methodically at the same time. Jack, Ralph, and Walt were at one of the windows, while the professor and Coyote Pete defended the other.

He iss the slafe of some richer man, some gompany, some gorporation, dat crindt him down to the least he can lif on, and that rops him of the marchin of his earnings that he knight pe habby on. Oh, you Amerigans, you haf cot it down goldt, as you say!

He iss the slafe of some richer man, some gompany, some gorporation, dat crindt him down to the least he can lif on, and that rops him of the marchin of his earnings that he knight pe habby on. Oh, you Amerigans, you haf cot it down goldt, as you say!

He iss the slafe of some richer man, some gompany, some gorporation, dat crindt him down to the least he can lif on, and that rops him of the marchin of his earnings that he knight pe habby on. Oh, you Amerigans, you haf cot it down goldt, as you say!

If only I dared leave the place, I'd ride to Rosario, but the instant we vacated it, those yellow jackals down yonder would come swarming in." "Dot is right," agreed Geisler, with a frown, "dey know, vorse luck, aboudt der amount of goldt vot is stored in der strong room. I bet you your life, dey iss yust votching for a chance to make idt a addack py der mine."

I am not a cat to keep me alvays clean no more as a hogk to keep me always not clean. No, I keep me owdside inside always so clean as it comes eassy, undt I leave me so dirty as it comes eassy." I took his arm into mine his hand was hot and drew him on alone. "Undt t'ose vomens," he persisted in the vestibule, "t'ey are more troubple yet as t'eir veight in goldt!